I'm missing channels 375, 378, and 379 in my "all channels" program guide. Also missing about a dozen of the ppv channels.
anyone know why?
anyone know why?
I'm missing channels 375, 378, and 379 in my "all channels" program guide. Also missing about a dozen of the ppv channels.
anyone know why?
I have a feeling you may be looking at 110/119/61.5. If not then you need to give us more info on your system.
You're right. 110/119/61.5. 2 dishes installed about 14 months ago when I upgraded to HD and added 2-vip612 receivers and kept my old 508D. Also have chinese great wall package.
Don't know the 2 Dish Types, but will supply that info when I get home tonight. one dish pointed SE, one pointed SW.
You're right. 110/119/61.5. 2 dishes installed about 14 months ago when I upgraded to HD and added 2-vip612 receivers and kept my old 508D. Also have chinese great wall package.
Don't know the 2 Dish Types, but will supply that info when I get home tonight. one dish pointed SE, one pointed SW.
From "The List" those are on 72.7 and 129. So it looks like you need to be converted to the EARC with a 1000.4 Dish and VIP equipment.
Thanks everyone,The only reason you have 61.5 right now is your Big 4 locals are in HD on 61.5
If you can use an OTA antenna to get those in HD you could go with a D1000+ that sees 110,118,119,129. All HD would be on 129 and your great wall package is on 118.7. You could keep the 508 then too
If you go with Eastern Arc you STILL need 2 dishes (due to the Great Wall package) and you'd have to swap out the 508 for something in the VIP category
Thanks everyone,
You know, I remember that I did get an email or regular mail from dish a few months ago. They said I needed some equipment upgrades or I wouldn't be able to yadayada.
I asked if my contract's clock would be reset, and they said yes, so I decided to ignore them, thinking it was just a sales ploy. Guess it was true, because really I hadn't noticed any of the HD channels i watch being gone until now.
I asked if my contract's clock would be reset, and they said yes, so I decided to ignore them, thinking it was just a sales ploy. Guess it was true, because really I hadn't noticed any of the HD channels i watch being gone until now.
The only reason you have 61.5 right now is your Big 4 locals are in HD on 61.5
If you can use an OTA antenna to get those in HD you could go with a D1000+ that sees 110,118,119,129. All HD would be on 129 and your great wall package is on 118.7. You could keep the 508 then too
If you go with Eastern Arc you STILL need 2 dishes (due to the Great Wall package) and you'd have to swap out the 508 for something in the VIP category
Why is it that I need to be on 129?.........Is it because my Big 4 Locals will eventually be moved from 61.5 to 129 or is it because of my missing channels?28 elevation for 129...thats pretty high
The only reason they want to force him to EA is because his locals in HD (Big4) are on 61.5 only. So if he uses an antenna for his OTA he could keep his current equipment and have no extra commitment. Remember the EA "upgrade" may be no equipment but he has a 508 that would need to be changed out and would require a commitment if he goes through Dish.
He could move the 61.5 dish to 129 and be all set
Iceberg said:top of the page
SatelliteGuys.US_TheList - TheList
or here is a link to the subscription (Dish Network channels) area
129 has all the HD channels. On the Eastern Arc side it use to be 61.5 but now its both 61.5 & 72.7Why is it that I need to be on 129?.........Is it because my Big 4 Locals will eventually be moved from 61.5 to 129 or is it because of my missing channels?
yep. 129W is the satellite. There are a couple sats thereAlso, on "The List's" satellite angle calculator it lists 129 as W. Galaxy 27 C/KU Cir. Is that the right one?
Iceberg: I do have an OTA antenna..I understand what you are saying, I think. But, what I don't understand
is why I could keep my current 805 by doing this........or to ask another way: Why can't I keep my 805 if I get the EA arrangement?
Edit: 508D not 805 .......sorry
Good Explanation. I get it now, I think...................thanks129 has all the HD channels. On the Eastern Arc side it use to be 61.5 but now its both 61.5 & 72.7
Your locals in HD (just the Big 4) are only on 61.5 so if you move the dish to 129 you'll gain the HD channels but lose your locals in MPEG4 HD (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX). They are still in SD on 110.
yep. 129W is the satellite. There are a couple sats there
The 508 is MPEG2. The Eastern Arc sats are MPEG4 and requires all MPEG4 equipment. The 612 is MPEG4 Right now your locals on the 508 are coming in on 110 whereas the 612 gets them from 61.5 (the big 4 in HD) and the rest can be either 61.5 (in MPEG4) or 110. If you use the OTA antenna on the 612's to get the locals in HD and the subchannels. One advantage of this is you could record 3 things at one (one OTA, 2 satellite). The 508 would continue to get locals the way it always did and wouldnt need any new equipment or additional commitment.
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