I am looking for a router that doesn't drop connections and have to be restarted constantly. Seems the more I look into all brands that they are all trash! Someone tell me what router out there that wont do that annoying stuff.
Looks like the torture droid from Episode IV...Part of the reason I bought this thing was on looks. I think this looks so badass.
Steve- Care to elaborate on "short lived?"
I've been using Apple's Airport products for quite a number of years with no issues ever. Their current Airport Extreme is superb and supports 802.11(a,b,g,n) and both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands. A bit pricey compared to some, but you can usually find them on the Apple Store online in the 'special deals' as refurbs for $129. Full year warranty.
A side benefit in the Airport product is that the warranty is attached to your Mac. For instance, I added another AE to my network mix to extend the range about the same time I purchased my 27" iMac. I got the Applecare for the iMac which gives 3 years of coverage, which extends to my AE.
I would like to try it out but it kinda comes off like it won't work with linux. I assume it will with windows xp. Otherwise I have been through D-links and linksys.
Often times it is NOT the router which causes the reboot as much as the ISP/cable modem. With comcrap I used to have to reset my Linksys - AND then BELKIN - routers regularly, but much of it was due to DNS issues. Dumped Comcrap's DNS servers in favor of Google Public and Open DNS (on my kid's machines with filters enabled) and the Belkin Wireless N router has not had to reboot at all.
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