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Why no AMC HD? (Now Live Sept 9th) | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Why no AMC HD? (Now Live Sept 9th)

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They HAVE been adding HD. It's just been in premium tiers recently. In all honesty as much as you guys all bitch about it, they SHOULD take care of the people who are paying extra for premiums first. It's nice that they have pretty much the full gamut of pay channels in HD now. There's only about 15-20 mainstream 'basic' channels (that actually have an HD feed) that they're missing right now.
How ever will you Dish fanboys keep yourselves occupied when these feeds go live on Directv? :rolleyes:
Pot calling kettle black now don't ya think;)
It would give you nothing to chime in about now wouldn't. :rolleyes: What's it to you if people ask or have conversations about the why's and why nots of Direct? I have Direct and I would like to see some of these channels too.
Pot calling kettle black now don't ya think;)
It would give you nothing to chime in about now wouldn't. :rolleyes: What's it to you if people ask or have conversations about the why's and why nots of Direct? I have Direct and I would like to see some of these channels too.

Not really.. A fanboy is one who defends a product that is inferior to its competition. I've had both, I know Dish sucks in pretty much all respects. I don't care what people ask or say, but for someone to tell you to switch to the inferior provider in order to get the small handful of HD channels that D* doesn't have is just dumb. To suggest they sub to both to do so is just ridiculous.
This is a truly ignorant post, clearly trolling.

WRONG. It was a legitimate question. I do not have D*, but know people who do. They have complained that no HD channels have been added in quite a while. I don't think any of them have premium channels, so they probably wouldn't know they've been added. I love these people, like yourself, that jump to conclusions and resort to name calling. Get a life already.
Not really.. A fanboy is one who defends a product that is inferior to its competition. I've had both, I know Dish sucks in pretty much all respects. I don't care what people ask or say, but for someone to tell you to switch to the inferior provider in order to get the small handful of HD channels that D* doesn't have is just dumb. To suggest they sub to both to do so is just ridiculous.

I have different interpretation of a Fanboy-
Fanboy is a term used to describe a male who is highly devoted and biased in opinion towards a single subject or hobby within a given field. Fanboy-ism is often prevalent in a field of products, brands or universe of characters where very few competitors (or enemies in fiction, such as comics) exist. An example is the market for CPUs for PCs, where AMD and Intel together hold a market share of 99.6% (as of Q1 2009).[4] In this market, users of home computers realistically only have a choice between two brands, and hence, a fight over which is better easily ensues. In this field, an "Intel fanboy" prefers CPUs made by Intel, and might aggressively defend their supposed superiority compared to the other brand(s), be skeptical or in denial about negative reviews of the product, and exert a high level of brand loyalty. The same brand war ensues when comparing video card brands Nvidia and ATI, which together dominate the video card market.
OR in this case insert Direct/Dish instead of Intel and AMD.

WE know you love Direct and will defend Direct against anyone who besmirches it. But to denigrate others who ask for an even better product and make excuses for Direct not offering other HD options is blatant Fanboyism
I have different interpretation of a Fanboy-

OR in this case insert Direct/Dish instead of Intel and AMD.

WE know you love Direct and will defend Direct against anyone who besmirches it. But to denigrate others who ask for an even better product and make excuses for Direct not offering other HD options is blatant Fanboyism

Except for the fact that D* IS the superior provider. So you're telling me that it is logical and reasonable and not fanboyish at all to suggest that someone switch to (or add) Dish in order to get the few channels that D* doesn't have in HD? Sorry, but it's just stupid. And I don't have any loyalty whatsoever to D*. They just happen to offer the best package for my money in my area, and if one of the cable or fiber companies start offering a better one and get Center Ice, I'm gone. But yes, I will defend them against lies told by Dish fanboys and people who admittedly don't have the service so they don't have a clue what they're talking about (bruin95 for example).

And please, show me where I've made excuses for them. Bruin95 in all his ignorance (since he said flat out he doesn't even have D*) implied they haven't added ANY HD. To which I said that they HAVE added several premium HD just recently, and by rights premiums SHOULD get priority, since people pay extra for them. That's not an excuse, that's a fact.
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But yes, I will defend them against lies told by Dish fanboys and people who admittedly don't have the service so they don't have a clue what they're talking about (bruin95 for example).

And please, show me where I've made excuses for them. Bruin95 in all his ignorance (since he said flat out he doesn't even have D*) implied they haven't added ANY HD.

Again, another person with the insults. What is wrong with some of you? It is friggin' TV for godsakes! Get over it and grow up. I was told by several people, WHO HAVE THE F'IN SERVICE, that they have not added any HD channels for awhile. I can only go by what they said. Talk to them about their "ignorance".
WRONG. It was a legitimate question. I do not have D*, but know people who do. They have complained that no HD channels have been added in quite a while. I don't think any of them have premium channels, so they probably wouldn't know they've been added. I love these people, like yourself, that jump to conclusions and resort to name calling. Get a life already.

If you think he was resorting to name calling, is telling someone to get a life in response any better?
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WRONG. It was a legitimate question. I do not have D*, but know people who do. They have complained that no HD channels have been added in quite a while. I don't think any of them have premium channels, so they probably wouldn't know they've been added. I love these people, like yourself, that jump to conclusions and resort to name calling. Get a life already.

You said "I'm wondering if D* will ever add ANY new HD channels PERIOD." That's not a question! Do you REALLY think that Directv will never add new hd channels? Hint: this is where the ignorant part comes in. Directv has slowed to a crawl in adding new channels. Why? They are nearly out of bandwidth! Of course, if they were like Dish, they would simply cram more channels onto a transponder and leave it at that, picture quality be damned! You admit not having Directv. Why would you come here and make the statement that you made? Hint: this is where the trolling part comes in. If you don't like Directv, that's fine with me. There are plenty of things that I don't like about it. There are more things about Dish that I don't like. That's why I'm a Directv customer. You won't find me at the Dish forums giving Dish customers a hard time. I will be happy to challenge you any time you come here, though!
Again, another person with the insults. What is wrong with some of you? It is friggin' TV for godsakes! Get over it and grow up. I was told by several people, WHO HAVE THE F'IN SERVICE, that they have not added any HD channels for awhile. I can only go by what they said. Talk to them about their "ignorance".

Don't have to talk to them. They didn't post here without knowing what they're talking about, you did.
WRONG. It was a legitimate question. I do not have D*, but know people who do. They have complained that no HD channels have been added in quite a while. I don't think any of them have premium channels, so they probably wouldn't know they've been added. I love these people, like yourself, that jump to conclusions and resort to name calling. Get a life already.


Complaints from DirecTV subscribers regarding lack of HD has to do with the non-premiums that competitors like Dish Network (and major and minor cable operators) have in their lineup. AMC HD. BBC America HD. Cooking Channel HD. DIY Network HD. E! Entertainment Television HD. Fuse HD. gmc HD. GSN HD. (DirecTV owns more than half of what is formerly called Game Show Network.) Headline News HD. History International HD. HSN HD. The Hub HD. IFC HD. Investigation Discovery HD. LMN HD. Nat Geo Wild HD. Oprah Winfrey Network HD. Outdoor Channel HD. QVC HD. Sportsman Channel HD. Style Network HD. truTV HD. Turner Classic Movies HD. TV One HD. We TV HD. (This is not a complete list.)

DirecTV put a lot of its focus in 2010 and 2011 on the multiscreens of premium movie channels: HBO, Cinemax, Starz, and Showtime. Nearly 100% complete with the east and west feeds of the primary HBO, Cinemax, Starz (which include Encore), and Showtime (which include The Movie Channel), and the "completion" is with carrying the east-coast feeds of their offsprings (HBO Comedy, ActionMax, Starz Kids & Family, Showtime Women, etc.). This was one area of focus, and so too have been the regional sports that are Fox Sports Net, Comcast Sports Net, and Root Sports Net. DirecTV also beefed up its screens for pay per view; that, along with the locals, ate into the bandwidth that DirecTV had after launching D12 back in late-2009. (Next up: D14, but not until 2013.)

Last year, these non-premiums were added by DirecTV in HD: Hallmark Channel HD, Lifetime HD, MSNBC HD, Univision HD, and WGN America HD. (If I'm forgetting any, I apologize.) On another level, requiring an additional $5 suscription, the following were added: Hallmark Movie Channel HD and Sony Movie Channel HD. (In 2011, DirecTV added Shorts HD.)

DirecTV subscribers upset with no AMC HD, Turner Classic Movies HD, and so on, want the satcaster to catch up. (Or at least catch up to the good 15 or 20 or 25 by which DirecTV has fallen behind compared to Dish Network and major and minor cable operators. Many of them I listed earlier are routine.)
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Im really sick of people bickering about these channels not in HD. lol, Google and figure out Usenet and get yourself at Newsgroup reader. There is a quadrillion files to download off Usenet and get all the HD your missing for free

You should find somewhere else to hang out. This is a discussion forum; people aren't here to appease others' sensitivities.
I've said this several times on Dish's threads about HD RSNs. All those channels in SD that just broadcast in widescreen to show what the HD viewers are seeing (like ESPN) should have their SD feeds taken completely and have only the HD feed shown. That will force SD subs to get updated and free space for more HD channels. Eventually SD will be gone, so let's get it going all ready.

Also, for the channels like ESPN, the SD subs will see the same exact thing on a widescreen SD format as an HD channel on a SD tv.

Complaints from DirecTV subscribers regarding lack of HD has to do with the non-premiums that competitors like Dish Network (and major and minor cable operators) have in their lineup. AMC HD. BBC America HD. Cooking Channel HD. DIY Network HD. E! Entertainment Television HD. Fuse HD. gmc HD. GSN HD. (DirecTV owns more than half of what is formerly called Game Show Network.) Headline News HD. History International HD. HSN HD. The Hub HD. IFC HD. Investigation Discovery HD. LMN HD. Nat Geo Wild HD. Oprah Winfrey Network HD. Outdoor Channel HD. QVC HD. Sportsman Channel HD. Style Network HD. truTV HD. Turner Classic Movies HD. TV One HD. We TV HD. (This is not a complete list.)

DirecTV put a lot of its focus in 2010 and 2011 on the multiscreens of premium movie channels: HBO, Cinemax, Starz, and Showtime. Nearly 100% complete with the east and west feeds of the primary HBO, Cinemax, Starz (which include Encore), and Showtime (which include The Movie Channel), and the "completion" is with carrying the east-coast feeds of their offsprings (HBO Comedy, ActionMax, Starz Kids & Family, Showtime Women, etc.). This was one area of focus, and so too have been the regional sports that are Fox Sports Net, Comcast Sports Net, and Root Sports Net. DirecTV also beefed up its screens for pay per view; that, along with the locals, ate into the bandwidth that DirecTV had after launching D12 back in late-2009. (Next up: D14, but not until 2013.)

Last year, these non-premiums were added by DirecTV in HD: Hallmark Channel HD, Lifetime HD, MSNBC HD, Univision HD, and WGN America HD. (If I'm forgetting any, I apologize.) On another level, requiring an additional $5 suscription, the following were added: Hallmark Movie Channel HD and Sony Movie Channel HD. (In 2011, DirecTV added Shorts HD.)

DirecTV subscribers upset with no AMC HD, Turner Classic Movies HD, and so on, want the satcaster to catch up. (Or at least catch up to the good 15 or 20 or 25 by which DirecTV has fallen behind compared to Dish Network and major and minor cable operators. Many of them I listed earlier are routine.)

If you are going to be reasonable and post facts instead of incendiary rhetoric, we will have very little to talk about! ;)
I've said this several times on Dish's threads about HD RSNs. All those channels in SD that just broadcast in widescreen to show what the HD viewers are seeing (like ESPN) should have their SD feeds taken completely and have only the HD feed shown. That will force SD subs to get updated and free space for more HD channels. Eventually SD will be gone, so let's get it going all ready.

Also, for the channels like ESPN, the SD subs will see the same exact thing on a widescreen SD format as an HD channel on a SD tv.

That's a very logical solution, but it's been discussed and beaten before too. The HD equipment is perfectly capable of downconverting the feed and driving an SDTV, so there is no reason for them to be wasting bandwidth on SD duplicates of 100+ channels. The problem with it is you have the stubborn technophobes who refuse to upgrade their 25" console TV that are going to raise hell that they have to sign a new 2 year contract to get the brand new free HD equipment, despite the fact that they have had D* for 15 years and will likely have it for 10 more anyway. We already saw it when NASA went to MPEG4 last month. It also doesn't help matters that D* is STILL installing SD MPEG2 equipment to this minute. They have to abandon the SD equipment completely, and migrate existing customers to the HD equipment. THEN they can dump all the SD duplicate streams and voila! Plenty of bandwidth for all the HD we could ask for.
I agree that both D* and Dish should abandon all SD receivers and just install HD receivers for new customers (regardless whether they're HD or SD). That way both D* and Dish can just focus on the SD receivers already out on the field. It would still take some time but at least it'll definitely speed up the process. Right now I don't see any plans that D* is planning on going to MPEG-4 only while with Dish, it's going to take up to 2 years (or maybe sooner) just to convert to 8PSK only (never mind MPEG-4 only). So as long as the TV providers don't force people to upgrade, we're going to continue to see them use too much precious bandwidth for just SD channels alone.
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