DIRECTV would appear, by scholarly research, to be up against the wall on HD bandwidth. As such it doesn't seem reasonable to expect much until DIRECTV 14 goes into operation in late Q1 or early Q2 2014. DIRECTV 15 seems currently slated for service in early 2015. It is notable that this is an accelerated schedule as compared with the original plansBeing a former Dish customer I can state that DTV is behind Dish as far as having some of the basic channels in HD. Let's hope DTV catches up.
harshness said:DIRECTV would appear, by scholarly research, to be up against the wall on HD bandwidth. As such it doesn't seem reasonable to expect much until DIRECTV 14 goes into operation in late Q1 or early Q2 2014. DIRECTV 15 seems currently slated for service in early 2015. It is notable that this is an accelerated schedule as compared with the original plans
The assumption is that DIRECTV 10's backup propulsion system holds out for two more years after the primary system failed last summer. There seems little reason to believe that it won't.
Astrium Picked To Build DirecTV 15 Telecom Satellite |
If they do as they did last year and add Spanish language HD to 119W, that doesn't much count with the lion's share of subscribers.
Satracer's comment was "several in the next couple of months, then more after that.It won't be next few weeks, but barely after that. ". Some premium, some basic.
Wow and I didn't say it.Being a former Dish customer I can state that DTV is behind Dish as far as having some of the basic channels in HD. Let's hope DTV catches up.
DIRECTV 12 was supposed to be an in-orbit spare.They put up the new Sat last year and I think shared with the other one .... 103ca and 103cb, ca wa the original one, where did all the bandwidth from 103cb go ?
What channels are you seeing? There are differences but not much. For example ABC Family is HD on DT not HD on Dish but LMN is HD on Dish and not on DTBeing a former Dish customer I can state that DTV is behind Dish as far as having some of the basic channels in HD. Let's hope DTV catches up.
Being a former Dish customer I can state that DTV is behind Dish as far as having some of the basic channels in HD. Let's hope DTV catches up.
As a former Dish customer also, I can state that the picture quality of DirecTV is significantly better than Dish. It's nice to see a provider taking quality seriously. Dish wasn't horrible or even close to U-Verse levels of awful, but there's noticeably less compression on DirecTV and those differences are clear on a 67" 1080p DLP.
YES! I agree 100%!
The HD image quality on D* is significantly better than E*. This is much more important to me than having more (so called) HD channels.
DIRECTV 12 was supposed to be an in-orbit spare.
There are only so many transponders that they can send from each slot so doubling up on the satellites doesn't necessarily double up on the bandwidth.
What channels are you seeing? There are differences but not much. For example ABC Family is HD on DT not HD on Dish but LMN is HD on Dish and not on DT
Now you know. DIRECTV has three birds there now so they're pretty effectively using all the Ka bandwidth granted to them. They are granted a total of 1GHz (19.7-20.2GHz A band + 18.3-18.8GHz B band). It is important to correct your number of transponders as there are only 24 per band with the Ka frequencies.Didn't know that, I figured, if they had another Sat up there with another 32 transponder, that thats what they had to work with, 32 more transponders.
Some of us here have been saying this for MANY, MANY years now ...
QUALITY over quantity.
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