Is there such a thing? My brother in-law wants to try it out and compare it with his current FiOs service, but doesn't want to risk getting stuck with it for 2 years.
Yes there are in all States, however it varies from State to State and is typically only a few days.
AmericanZ28 said:Is there such a thing? My brother in-law wants to try it out and compare it with his current FiOs service, but doesn't want to risk getting stuck with it for 2 years.
I had FIOS in VA (still miss it), but I love Direct also. Tell him the biggest thing he would gain IMO is the option to get NFL Sunday Ticket and he cant go wrong with either service. If he doesn't care about that, then I cant endorse D* over FIOS and vice versa.......AND I will say they both beat any cable company by a long shot.
few days? its take a few days to download everything! it would be hard to to to make your mind without everything working rightYes there are in all States, however it varies from State to State and is typically only a few days.
AmericanZ28 said:Thanks for all the replies, guys!! Im currently looking on google to see if there's some kind of grace period that would work to his advantage should he chose not to keep the service. And Bob, I see where you're coming from, but comparing things on paper is one thing, and actually trying them out is another. Im sure most of us would want to test drive a car before buying one. Test drives cost money in the form of time, gas, and miles on the vehicle, however, I dont think it would be fair that we HAVE to buy it even if we didnt like.
. Add MLB in HDUnless you like Sunday Ticket or want service in another location besides your main home (rv or something) there are not many reasons to take D* over Fios.
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