MS forced IE 10 on me. Would not let me uncheck the box for the update, installed it anyway. No more compatibility button. And it won't run this site correctly:rant: Now I can't hit return and start a new line or paragraph in a thread.
MS forced IE 10 on me. Would not let me uncheck the box for the update, installed it anyway. No more compatibility button. And it won't run this site correctly:rant: Now I can't hit return and start a new line or paragraph in a thread.
I hope my IT guy at my job isn't a complete moron and prevents this from happening to our machines. We use programs that use the IE renderer to render web pages and they aren't compatible with IE9+. My machine still has IE 8 as a result. If this thing gets installed on my machine I won't be able to perform certain functions. Luckily though I can probably revert to the IE8 installation if I have to, as my machine is the regular Windows 7 and not SP1 (which came with IE9..)
Yeah well.. this "admin" also chose to deploy a website without the right connection string in the web.config because we left it blank with the message of "To be filled in by the admin" and then tried to blame ME when the website bombed out... so I'm not giving any benefit of the doubt here...MS provides group policies that can be implemented to restrict/prevent IE "upgrades". Any decent admin has these deployed until new versions can be fully vetted.
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