TV doesnt stop just because it's New Years!Good news, some people at DirecTV working the holiday today to make the agreement (and uplink) happen.

TV doesnt stop just because it's New Years!Good news, some people at DirecTV working the holiday today to make the agreement (and uplink) happen.
Good news, some people at DirecTV working the holiday today to make the agreement (and uplink) happen.
I just checked WFXT again. They are back with no sound. And up pops the "no need to call us" technical difficulties screen...
Sounds like that station is having some issues and I would say that sense the slide is the no need to call us versus the normal retrans slides that would normally be up due to a pulled station it's good news that once the technical issues are resolved it willl come back up.
Sunday Ticket only includes out-of-market games. Games airing on a local channel in your market must be viewed on the local channel, and the Sunday Ticket channel is blacked out.
That has been the process for years, and is not an impact of this dispute.
It is more noticeable with this dispute as the local station is off Directv.
And what happens when KCCI's agreement is up with the local cable company ?KCCI, a Hearst station in Des Moines is off. If I lived a mile east I could get the Waterloo CBS station. I've got one TV in the house connected to an antenna that gets the Waterloo stations. Its not really an issue for us, we don't watch that much network tv. The one suffering is my mom, who watches a lot of KCCI during the day. There is an antenna on the apartment building she lives in, and if this goes on very long I'll have to see if I can hook her up to that. Or, if this keeps up, she might just go to the local cable co. They not only provide both the Des Moines and Waterloo channels, they include all the sub channels. DTV only will provide us with the Des Moines channels.
Read my post. MediaCom provides channels from both the Des Moines AND Iowa City/Cedar Rapids/Waterloo area (plus the sub-channels). DTV only provides us the primary Des Moines channels. KGAN is a Sinclair station, so both the Hearst and Sinclair contracts would have to come up for renewal at the same time. Possible, but not likely. She wouldn't be dependent on just one source.And what happens when KCCI's agreement is up with the local cable company ?
They have contracts just like D* does.
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