You the only one trying to stir up sh*t.
Nailed that.
Me thinks someone with the initials "jtn" got banned from DBSTalk.
You the only one trying to stir up sh*t.
First off, thank you Lord Darth Vader for your support of the work Earl and I do helping the CE process.
Secondly, thank you JTN for your support of the CSR tier. I talk to many of them, I know they try very hard to help customers. That is one of the things I like very much about DIRECTV; their strong focus on the customers.
Perhaps there is a middle ground of thought. The CSRs aren't incapable of learning about the CE process, but they are very busy learning about all the new systems, features, and channels everyday. Training many thousands of CSRs in many call centers about the CEs for all the systems (more than 10 CE cycles!) is probably more cost than DIRECTV would like to invest right now. They are working very hard on improving the CSR training in other areas (first?).
My fear is that the CE process very well might become totally private and by invite only. That is one of the options DIRECTV might choose, it is of course their decision to make. That they have chosen to start with Earl and subsequently include the DBStalk staff is quite an honor.
That they have included Scott and Satelliteguys in other ways is also quite an honor to the staff and many readers and posters here. Good job, gang!
So I really don't fear for myself that the CE process would go private. I suspect I will still be included. I really would be saddened if the people here and DBStalk got excluded from the fun and challenges with beta testing. I don't work hard at DBStalk (and occasionally here and DIRECTVs forums) for the pay (nothing!), I want to help users. I'm also glad to be helping DIRECTV--that indirectly helps more users like my dad who doesn't participate in the CE (not yet at least) but does benefit like all DIRECTV customers.
At this point, DIRECTV has asked that we don't contact the CSR tier about CE problems. That is their rules, not DBTalks, Earl's, mine, or anyone's outside of DIRECTV. And from Scott's posts, I suspect it's not his rules either.We all are just here to help.
Happy Holidays, everyone,
Tom Robertson
Let me tell you something . You think 1 person or 2 people calling had any effect on the CE process and the complaints. I doubt that 100%. It must have been a huge number of people with problems,That again DBStalk is not responsible for. Called D* because they couldn't watch a service they paid for. Lets have Earl's 1 800 number so we can call him when the equipment fails.
Nailed that.
Me thinks someone with the initials "jtn" got banned from DBSTalk.
CSR's are not to be construed as idiots, some believe by generalizing they all are useless, when in fact they are well informed and want to do the best they can for the customer, and can! So Beta or not, they can help. They helped me. With a cherry on top.
Sorry but your dead wrong about your opinion of CSR's at DirecTV.
0x1DE is now downloading this Friday Dec 14,2007Were you born clueless or were you raised that way?
Do you honestly think every CSR in every large corporation knows everything about what goes on? Hell no!
Microsoft has a separate team that deals with beta testing and other nonpublic stuff. Their CSRs don't deal with that and therefore aren't knowledgeable about that end of the business. Why? Because it's not their job to know!
It's the same thing for DirecTV's CSRs. Their CSRs do NOT have the knowledge of the CE process. Why don't they? Because it's a nonpublic, beta testing process that is handled by a part of DirecTV much higher up than the lower level CSRs. That's a fact, one that your inability to understand will not change.
I know. Got the announcement earlier today and about halfway through right now.
Everyone: Do NOT call DirecTV if you experience ANY problems!!!
Looks like a new CE is coming down possibly tonight 12/21/2007 (Friday) @11PM through 2:30AM and/or tomorrow 12/22/2007 (Saturday) at same time.
0x1E? based on Doug Brotts site, there is an internal test (highlighted in red) of 0x1E2. So likely the last digit will be higher.
This is for the HR20-700 model.
No, it has not been updated saying either HR20 has a CE tonight. Don't know where he came up with this.
Just because it shows up there doesn't mean a CE will happen, still need to flip a flag to make it available to install. Until the CE announcment comes out we won't know if it will make it or not and so far no announcment.
I Have an HR21-700 and was just updated to 0x193...will the CE be an upgrade??
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