Okay, so I'm coming up on my first full year of having Direct and naturally they have sent out an incentive offer in the interest of keeping me for yet another year. Not that they really need to do anything to keep me on as we've been more than happy with the service and have no intentions of going back to any kind of cable service, but they don't need to know that if they're gonna offer some discounted stuff.
So they've sent an offer for a $49 DirecTivo, and this is something that my wife is on the one hand looking forward to, but on the other hand is fearful of any possible extra charges that might be incurred. I think she is still bewildered as to why we had to actually pay for the privilege of getting Direct in the first place since I don't think she really "get's" that purchasing three satellite recievers and a three LNB oval Dish would cost far more than it did when we got it, and now that we've been with D* for a year we own it outright. I think she's been brainwashed by years of Comcast and their rental boxes. She would be the one who would mostly use it because she uses the main room TV the most and has rather different TV viewing habits than I.
Anyway, one of the things the offer states is something about, you guessed it, another year of continued service with DirecTV! So is this what it actually means? Or is this for people who haven't signed up at all yet? I suppose I could understand that Direct would keep it's steely hand firmly wrapped around us for one year, but to get this DVR for $49 I have to commit to yet another year with them? Once again this isn't really a problem as I fully intend to remain with them, but I just want to make sure in case something Bad happens in the future like having to suddenly need to cancel D* for some reason and I don't want my wife getting on my case about it if there is suddenly some fee required. Also I note that Circuit City has a DirecTV D10 with Tivo built in for $99, and it would almost be worth the $50 for a freedom standpoint but I wanted to be sure before I took either offer.
Of course after watching how my wife uses the main room Tivo I'll probably just go get the $99 receiver for myself anyway.

So they've sent an offer for a $49 DirecTivo, and this is something that my wife is on the one hand looking forward to, but on the other hand is fearful of any possible extra charges that might be incurred. I think she is still bewildered as to why we had to actually pay for the privilege of getting Direct in the first place since I don't think she really "get's" that purchasing three satellite recievers and a three LNB oval Dish would cost far more than it did when we got it, and now that we've been with D* for a year we own it outright. I think she's been brainwashed by years of Comcast and their rental boxes. She would be the one who would mostly use it because she uses the main room TV the most and has rather different TV viewing habits than I.
Anyway, one of the things the offer states is something about, you guessed it, another year of continued service with DirecTV! So is this what it actually means? Or is this for people who haven't signed up at all yet? I suppose I could understand that Direct would keep it's steely hand firmly wrapped around us for one year, but to get this DVR for $49 I have to commit to yet another year with them? Once again this isn't really a problem as I fully intend to remain with them, but I just want to make sure in case something Bad happens in the future like having to suddenly need to cancel D* for some reason and I don't want my wife getting on my case about it if there is suddenly some fee required. Also I note that Circuit City has a DirecTV D10 with Tivo built in for $99, and it would almost be worth the $50 for a freedom standpoint but I wanted to be sure before I took either offer.
Of course after watching how my wife uses the main room Tivo I'll probably just go get the $99 receiver for myself anyway.