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1000.4 set up help needed | SatelliteGuys.US

1000.4 set up help needed


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 29, 2008
USA (Full time RV'er
I'm trying to set up a 1000.4 eastern arc dish at my new rv campsite. I have my input cable attached to port 2 (3rd from the right) and set my receiver (722K) to 6-1-1, Sat 72, TP21. I peaked the signal (59) for both azimuth and elevation but when I change to SAT 61.5 I get a message "wrong Sat - Echo Star 72.7 west". At this point I did a check switch; it took a long time and ended up showing Ports 1, 2 &3 Conn, Port 1 being Satellite 72 Trans OK. Ports 2 & 3 Conn Trans X. It is possible that my dish is occluded by a tree line for 61.5 but I don't understand why I get the "wrong Sat" message at the 61.5 position. If it is occluded I would expect to see no signal.
I cleared the receiver by doing a check switch with the sat disconnected, pulled the plug, reconnected the sat lead and powered up, did another check and got the same results.
I have tried several positions and also mounted the antenna to a higher mast (8'), it appears that I have a reasonable LOS but can't tell for sure.

Any suggestions:confused:?
EA dish receives at 61.5, 72.7 and 77.

There are 3 receiving feed horns on the LNB. You peaked the 72.7 satellite on the 61.5 sat. Try moving the dish further west or east and see what happens.

An easy way: cover up both the left and right feedhorns, with something like tinfoil (has to be metal), this leaves the middle one open. Peak it on 72.7, then you should be good to go.

Ok, thanks for the advice. Here is what I found out. I covered the 61.5 LNB with foil and it had no effect. I covered the 72.7 LNB and had complete loss of signal. Therefore I am peaked on 72.7 using the 72.7 LNB. So now my question is still, why do I get "Wrong Sat" result when I switch to the 61.5 sat in the point dish screen? If I am not getting a shot at the 61.5 sat does the LNB switch use the available 72.7 signal at all ports? This doesen't seem logical to me; I am beginning to think I have a hardware problem with the LNB.
Anybody have some thoughts on this?
If you have 72 on the center lnb, disconnect the coax and run check switch to clear the matrix. Reconnect the coax, cover 72 lnb and the one for 77 and try to fine tune your aim for 61.5. When you have acceptable signal, uncover all lnb's and run check switch again. You should be good then.
Latest update: I have tried all of the above suggestions with no success. I covered the 77/72.7 LNB's with foil, connected my cable to the 61.5 port (#3) and moved the antenna through all possible directions and elevations; the signal scale never indicated any signal level. I am thinking that I may have a bad LNBf. Is the anyway to do a "poor man's" test to verify if in fact it is functional? I don't have a $600 Sat Meter to use. I am going to purchase a spare LNBF on Ebay and see what results I get I can get it here 2-3 days.

BTW I called dish tech support and earliest service date I could get would be after Thankgiving !!
Just so he knows how to clear the switch matrix, remove the coax from the reciever, run a switch test, and then reconnect the coax and run the test again.
Thanks Bobby, yes I have done the clear matrix routine several times. As I said though, it seem as if the 61.5 portion of the LNB is dead or the switch is not working. No matter where I aim the dish I never get a signal indication for the 61.5 SAT. I will just have to wait for the replacement LNB and try again. I have very good 72.7 reception and therefore about 2/3's of my channels; only trouble is that the most watched channels (locals) are on 61.5, so I am back to OTA digital, good picture but sure miss jumping past the commercials with the DVR!!
Opps, wasn't suppose to say that, commercial skipping didn't start until the Hopper came out.
I will keep you informed when I resolve this problem.
It is possible that my dish is occluded by a tree line for 61.5 but I don't understand why I get the "wrong Sat" message at the 61.5 position. If it is occluded I would expect to see no signal.

I have tried several positions and also mounted the antenna to a higher mast (8'), it appears that I have a reasonable LOS but can't tell for sure.

Any suggestions:confused:?

If the lnb is picking up signal from any sat, it may display "wrong sat" until it locks in or the correct sat is selected in the point dish screen

got any photos from behind the of your LOS?

61.5 is much farther to the left than the angle of the dish would suggest
The lnb has a switch built in and it does not output to a different satellite on each different output unless it is connected to a DPP44 switch so disregard the output labeling on that diagram.

You should be able to see all three satellites from any one of the three output ports.

Once you have 72.7 on the center lnb (cover the other 2 with foil) then if your pole is absolutely vertical and the skew is correct (by the book), you shouold have signal from all three satellites unless your lnb is bad or obstructed.
The lnb has a switch built in and it does not output to a different satellite on each different output unless it is connected to a DPP44 switch so disregard the output labeling on that diagram.

I don't think this is correct, as the LNB needs a receiver to switch the satellites to the individual ports. If the receiver isn't telling the LNB how to switch, like when you are trying to align without a successful check swith in the memory, the LNB defaults to porting each satellite to the respective port as the diagram shows.

You should be able to see all three satellites from any one of the three output ports.

This is after you have dish alignment and perfromed a successful check switch.

Below is from a 1000.4 installation manual:

DISH 1000.4 Antenna Installation Overview

1. Find Azimuth/Elevation/Skew angles for your location (instructions on page 3 and tables on page 11).
2. Find a location for the dish antenna with a clear line of sight and a sturdy mounting surface (page 3, step 1).
3. Mount the mast, making sure it is absolutely vertical (page 3, steps 2 and 3). Attach struts to the mast, using the
instructions that came with your struts.
4. Assemble the dish antenna, setting the skew and elevation angles in the process (pages 3-4, steps 4-6).
5. Mount the dish antenna on the mast and point the dish to the azimuth angle (page 4, step 7).
6. Run cables between the dish antenna and the receiver(s), leaving a service loop around the dish mounting bracket
and attaching cables to the mast using zip ties (page 5, step 1).
7. Using a peaking meter attached to the DPP 1000.4 LNBF PORT 2, rough peak the dish on 72.7°W using
transponder 19 or 21 for maximum strength. Lock the mast clamp bolts (see Table 1) and re-confirm signal (page
5, steps 2 and 3).
Note: If using a peaking meter, only odd transponders will be detected from 72.7°W at this time.
8. Using the elevation rod, fine-tune the elevation angle to achieve maximum signal. Tighten the top elevation rod
nut, and then tighten the side elevation bolts marked T. Reconfirm signal after tightening all elevation bolts (page
6, step 6).
9. Using the azimuth fine-tune cam, fine-tune the azimuth angle to achieve maximum signal. Tighten the bolts
labeled with a T and reconfirm signal. Do not tighten the azimuth fine-tune cam (page 7, step 6).
10. Connect the receiver cable(s) to the DPP 1000.4 LNBF PORT 1 (and PORT 2 and PORT 3, as necessary)
and receiver (page 7, steps 7-9).
11. Run Check Switch test and confirm 61.5°W, 72.7°W, and 77°W reception (page 8, steps 10 and 11).
12. Take a software download, if you didn't already (page 8, step 12).
13. Run a second Check Switch test and confirm 61.5ºW, 72.7ºW, and 77° reception (page 8, step 13).
14. Install additional receiver(s), if necessary.
15. If applicable, connect a second satellite dish to the DPP 1000.4 LNBF's LNB IN port (page 9, steps 1-4).
SUCCESS!!! Installed the new LNB, covered the 61.5 & 77 LNB's with foil and peaked the 72.7 sat on port 2, tp21. Ran a check switch and all the sat's were there. So I guess it was a bad LNB all along. This is a unit I keep in my RV so it is subjected to a little rough handling on the road, that may be the cause of my problem. I will remove the LNB and pad it next trip.

Thanks for all the advise, you guys are great

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