I called and cancelled and was greeted by a recording saying that no fees would be charged for cancelling early. I was glad to hear that!
The CSR I spoke with was very nice and easily set me for disconnection next Friday, the day after Comcast is scheduled to install my new HD-DVR service. I fought it for as long as possbile, but this was a clear indicator that it was time to switch...
The funniest thing of all of this was when I was talking to the CSR, she actually asked me "If you don't mind, can I ask why you are cancelling your service today?" It was all I could do NOT to laugh out loud. Now I know that it is only her job to ask, JIC there was some other reason that I was leaving, but come on....what could they have done to "correct my problems" in the coming three weeks anyway?!?!
It is a shame that Voom is dead...maybe a reincarnation will be in the works down the road. And when it does, I will follow the yellow brick road to the Land of HD.
Can someone explain why they are cancelling early? Since in the worst case we'll have to pay for the service through the end of the month why miss the programming until then?
Still enjoying HDTV under mostly clear Seattle skies, Gill
I think some just want to be done with this. I am reluctantly going back to E* and will cancel V* if necessary before the end of the month. I am in no hurry but will make the switch when they can come out and when it agrees with my work schedule.
I switched today to COX cable. Why cancel early? Because i am tired of it and I figure by the end of the month I will have all the cable channels committed to memory. I LOVE VOOM but am seriously tired of the roller coaster ride.
I got a whopping 10 HD channels now (yuck) but did get the HD DVR and signed up for the MLB package (ya it's SD... yuck)
I'll be switching too. Everytime I walk by my VOOM stb, I get upset all over again. I can't believe it won't be here anymore.
When The Beatles broke up, we could still play their records. You can even find an Edsel that still runs. But come May 1, if not sooner, VOOM will be gone. I'm still finding that hard to get a hold of.