Because Andres Cantor is still THE BEST soccer play-by-play man in world...and one of the best of any sport.
I understand he sang the goool ¡¡¡ for 38 seconds, but I couldn´t find a video with that, the video in the link above is only 20 seconds long.
Well, I found a link with Andres Cantor calling all 5 goals of team USA.
I highly recommend you listen to the clip, even if you don´t understand English, it´s just great.
Hilarious. The articles writer talks about how women's soccer is overshadowed by it's male counterpart, not mentioning how the men's version is overshadowed by every other sport in the US.
And uses the Cup win to argue the women should be paid more.
Sorry, but women's soccer is going back into irrevlevancy for the next 4 years, and that's why they don't get paid more. The players pay is directly proportional to the number of people that actually watch.
Also, the skill level between the women and the men is miles apart. You see this in both soccer and basketball.I think this sport is worlds apart when it comes to differentiate men´s and women´s leagues
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