I think I'm finally going to pull the trigger on an OLED. The prices on the 55 and 65" are really great right now. Unfortunately I want the 77". The LG 77C8PUA can be had from reputable dealers for $4,800 delivered now (no tax). I really wanted it to get to $4,500... With the new models coming out in another month or so I can't decide if that is going to make the prices drop or not. Sometimes there is an inverse effect when people realize that the new ones are going to be quite a bit more for a while and they better jump on the "old" model before it sells out. Anyone here have the 77" version?
Well, I pulled the trigger on the LG 77" C8. Got an accepted offer of $4,499 on Greentoe. Brand new from an authorized dealer (so full warranty). Now I just have to wait for it to arrive!
Limited time offer