What works and what an installer can get paid for are sometimes exclusive.I think I would've ran that second 211 on the rg59 and just notated the account.... Just to get the job in... I ran a 722 on rg59 for a few years with not one issue..
What works and what an installer can get paid for are sometimes exclusive.I think I would've ran that second 211 on the rg59 and just notated the account.... Just to get the job in... I ran a 722 on rg59 for a few years with not one issue..
Things have changed significantly in the intervening 15 years. DISH has been pretty committed (though not entirely) to a lease model for more than half of that time. BYOH customers don't get access to the nearly $500 in promotional offers.
Dish needs to rethink its way of wiring before coming out with any thing new.
I didn't mean to impugn your approach, only to suggest that it may not represent the best approach for the typical TV viewer. The lease model allows those who don't want to get their hands dirty to avoid laying out hundreds of dollars up front for what they want.I just always would rather do it all myself. I been able to upgrade to new receivers thru ebay dealers for about half of what dish wanted for them.
Very good point. Come out with new technology, that is fit for the time, and situation. Can't get mad them for wanting to transition as many people that direction as possible.
I didn't mean to impugn your approach, only to suggest that it may not represent the best approach for the typical TV viewer. The lease model allows those who don't want to get their hands dirty to avoid laying out hundreds of dollars up front for what they want.
For their part, DIRECTV doesn't allow a residential customer to open a new account without a leased receiver and "professional installation".
True, but that's where you get your car salesman hat out.
I think that is one (among many other) reason that Dish now has a Wireless Joey. No wires needed to the location. Of course, the customer has to have a Hopper main unit, but a customer could do a Hopper, wireless access point, and several wireless Joeys and that would mean even less wiring.
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