Smitty20 said:Also said the new HD DVR wont be out until December....
Questioner said:Not surprised, fall = december usually for directv
Questioner said:Not surprised, fall = december usually for directv
charper1 said:The only jaw jacking is rumors coming from impatient customers and contract installers that are not in the loop and from people constantly claiming vaporware; which you can't have since the company itself has NEVER claimed any additions are coming..
See the definition of vaporware (which HAS NOT happened)
Vaporware (in British English: Vapourware) is software or hardware which is announced by a developer, but which then fails to emerge, either with or without a protracted development cycle. The term implies unwarranted optimism, or sometimes even deception; that is, it implies that the announcer knows that product development is in too early a stage to support responsible statements about its completion date, feature set, or even feasibility.
colebert said:Installers are agents of DirecTV. Another thread had a CSR saying it, too. Close enough.
colebert said:Installers are agents of DirecTV. Another thread had a CSR saying it, too. Close enough.
Madtown HD Junkie said:26 locals maybe...D* has dropped the ball on HD along with their ads claiming to be the HD leader. It is a joke.
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