Neutron said:My wife and I are having cable installed this week.
Sorry D*, but your HD content is a joke!!
How many cable channels does your system have in HD? What market are you in?
Neutron said:My wife and I are having cable installed this week.
Sorry D*, but your HD content is a joke!!
Neutron said:My wife and I are having cable installed this week.
Sorry D*, but your HD content is a joke!!
boston area dtv said:So you left a company, where HD content is getting better by the day, to a company whose very essence, cable, will limit the amount HD it can provide?
slimoli said:PQ of SD on cable looks like the HD-LITE on D*
charper1 said:173 ESPN HD - (GOT IT)
174 iN DEMAND HD 1 - (cable fight)
175 iN DEMAND HD 2 - (cable fight)
185 Showtime HD - (GOT IT)
186 HBO HD - (GOT IT)
187 WLS-DT (ABC) - (GOT IT)
188 WMAQ-DT (NBC) - (GOT IT)
189 WBBM-DT (CBS) - (GOT IT)
190 WFLD-DT (FOX) - (GOT IT)
191 WTTW-DT (PBS) - (GOT IT)
192 WGN-DT - (GOT my local IND)
195 Cinemax HD (yawn)
196 Starz HD - (FINALLY a possible want)
200 Comcast SportsNet HDTV - (GOT my RSN)
203 ESPN2 HD - (GOT IT)
204 TNT in HD - (GOT IT)
205 Discovery HD Theater - (GOT IT)
209 MHD - (yawn)
with DirecTV I also have:
NFL Sunday Ticket SD & HD
Universal HD
HDNet Movies
NFL HD / Game of the Week HD
FOX HD Special Events
stuart628 said:EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! ...... do people just complain to complain and trick themselves into thinking they are happy?
If you don't like it, WHY are you HERE ?slimoli said:I think stupid is to pay D* to watch their junk SD and HD-LITE but maybe some of you either don't care about PQ at all or have a small display. Quality is for me much more important than quantity. D* in SD is like a bad VHS tape, period.
What cable company are you refering to that already has RSN's in HD ???bgartz said:RSNs in HD (in a few weeks) just like cable,
The only aurgment that holds water to me is the HD Lite issue. But I will holdout some hope that this will go away once all of the HD channels go MPEG4.
Jimbos said:Whay cable company are you refering to that already has RSN's in HD ???
Northwest has neither available, thru Buckeyestuart628 said:time warner cable has both Rsns in Hd here in northeast ohio./
Peace it is. I get tired of people bashing people on here for liking D*. We are here to share information and to help. Is D* the greats thing NO but I like D*. Do I want more HD yes but I can wait. I agree with stuart628 my SD looks darn good.slimoli said:Robbiee
We are both being childish with this argument. Keep your opinion about D*, that's fine. I have no reason to bash any provider and make no money with that. To tell you the truth, I actually didn't cancel my Directv. I got a very nice CSR on the phone who proposed that I should suspend my account for 6 months until things get better on the PQ front. He told me that with the new satellites on 2007 things will be different. I keep my 2 HD-TIVO on the shelf and hope that I can go back to D* someday.
My cable company really has a good picture, probably because they are new and all the wiring (fiberoptics) and equipment are top notch. I don't like their DVR (E-8300) since I'm a "TIVO" guy but I'm very happy with the SD picture . I'm paying almost twice the price of the same package on D* and , believe me, I would never do that without a strong reason.
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