None of these new hd channels are showing up on my beta sling guide yet. Thought i would be able to set some recordings up in hd.
Will Indy be the new "move to" location? Stay tuned. SB24 seems to cover the entire DMA even though it stretches a long way N and S. That SB works because they lit up Champaign-Decatur-Springfield on it 3 weeks ago. Given the status of E5, this has to be temporary, doesn't it?
If its a mistake, we should keep it quiet, but its too late. It's been mentioned in several threads already.
Lafayette locals in HD! YAY!
I live in the Gainesville, FL DMA and get WSFL as part of my locals. I wonder if I will get the HD version when it goes live or not?6405(39) - WSFL [MPEG4 HD] added to EchoStar10 110W TP 12 Spotbeam 01 (NA)(Miami, FL-CW)local CW channel going hd for miami :up
Can't wait to get home from work tonight and check out our Indy locals! Woohoo! Not having NBC kind of sucks, but, hey..... not going to complain. I'm happy!
6442(4) - KRON [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar7 119W TP 07 North California beam changed to Available (H)(San Francisco, CA-MNT)
A crapy bankrupt independent that shows no new content.... :-(
Did you see this SB24 signal yourself? Might have to go back and look through the 129 signal thread and look at the date the transponder came back.
HA! This one will not make the cut into my favorites list. A double standard other comments needed nor will be made.
I have one dish pointed at 110,119 and one towards 61.5, neither capable of picking up the new HD Indy stations. Most homes around here have the same setup. Dish says I need the Dish 1000 to get our locals, at a cost of $59. Is this a scam by Dish to get more money from the Indy residents?
Finally 3 out of 4 Indianapolis locals! Lots of folks will be happy. Odd they kept them on CONUS though.
Nope. It depends on if you want them or not. I don't recall any issues with 129 in your area so I bet there are a bunch of Dish1000's in your area. They couldn't add them 61.5 since there isn't any room there now. Ciel-2 is the new spotbeam satellite at 129 so everything new is getting lit up there. No scams going on....
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