I wonder how long before all of Buffalo, NY DMA's SD gets moved to EA.
They already are as of today. Or were you meaning removed from 110?
I wonder how long before all of Buffalo, NY DMA's SD gets moved to EA.
I was looking at "The List" which maybe isn't updated? Or maybe I was ONLY looking at 61.5 in the list and not seeing all SD stations there. I just didn't see all of our SD locals on 61.5.
I am perfectly willing to admit I may have missed something. I'm old and I forgive myself often... hehehe.
Anyways, I wonder if this means they'll come out and get me hooked up with a single dish solution. I have a 622 and a 612 so the equipment is correct for EA.
Ok but does that mean the guide data has been moved to EA as well? I thought the guide data resided where the SD locals were. At least in Buffalo DMA we needed 110 to get guide data. If I can have a fully functioning system AND get all the HD programming that everyone else is getting, tehn I'm going to call and ask for a 1000.4 EA and get off the 2-dish merry-go-round
What is the point of spending more of DiSH Network's money when you will get no more channels that require the different dish configuration. In fact you may wish you had not switched because of some possible additions which do not initally show up on EA.
If he has the HD channels he is missing the last two batches since those were added to 72.7 and 129 only.
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