The funny thing is E* already has a fiber line drawn from the tower for KSWO. It sounds to me like the hold up with channel 7 (ABC) is entirely on the end of E*.
Consider this: KJTL, channel 18 Wichita Falls (FOX) and KSWO, channel 7 (ABC) Lawton both send their primary over the air signals from the same tower in Grandfield, OK. Why is it that E* is able to carry the HD signal for KJTL on two satellite birds while not carrying the ABC station coming from the same tower on any bird at all? It is a very strange situation. Someone somewhere is lying about the situation. Maybe E* doesn't have enough bandwidth to carry KSWO in our market. Or perhaps the truth is KSWO wants too much money to retransmit its signal -regardless of public declarations that it has given E* permission to retransmit.
The Wichita Falls, TX - Lawton, OK viewing market may seem like very small potatoes to most people in this forum. However, this market is very near the geographic center of the United States. That factor alone would make it easy for E* to offer both EA and WA local HD channel service. We're just in the right area of the country to have it happen. Those who don't like it can just move out here. There's plenty of room. Low cost of living. The economy isn't in the toilet (like it is in most places). The welcome mat has been placed.