geaux1 said:Diretech are idiots, incompetent bofoons, you need to call retention and speak to superviser and if you don;t have a comfort level with the one you get hang up, wait till the next shift comes on and repeat the process, demand they make diercttech hire one of their subs to come out and get it done. They have a new workers comp policy they bought on the cheap that does not insure them on the roof so they lie their ass off about roof jobs or in some cases tell you the truth, a few of their installers told me so, and they are basically idiots, I had a sub called MegaTech here in Memphis come out and they ahd to re-do some of directtechs wiring. I will now just call them and pay them out of my pocket and DTV retention said they will just reimburse me by crediting me what it costs. Dont listen to directtech, they are clowns.
raoul5788 said:You'll get real far calling with an attitude like that.
tech007 said:I understand. Today Verizon and Cable can give you all in one package. But tomorrow satellite companies will be able to do the same with a 100% clear picture and quality and no cables running to your house.
chadzx11 said:They have apparently begun charging people $100 for a service call if they send their HSP flunkies out to a house. This means if I am doing fullfillment work, and the customer has an issue and decides to call D* instead of me, I'm gonna get nailed. Even if it is something that is totally not my fault (you would not believe how many a**holes relocate their TVs and use a splitter to extend the line---to get out of paying for an upgrade or relocate), I'm gonna get $100 yanked. There is no real appeals process.
chadzx11 said:Look at that link I threw down. Its a hall of shame, and that ain't even close to being every install company out there. However, DTV is to blame for a lot of good installers, like me, leaving the industry. They have apparently begun charging people $100 for a service call if they send their HSP flunkies out to a house. This means if I am doing fullfillment work, and the customer has an issue and decides to call D* instead of me, I'm gonna get nailed. Even if it is something that is totally not my fault (you would not believe how many a**holes relocate their TVs and use a splitter to extend the line---to get out of paying for an upgrade or relocate), I'm gonna get $100 yanked. There is no real appeals process. Basically, just a big FU.
I do QCs only now, and I am also back in school, where I will be learning auto-mechanics. At least in that industry, I don't have to worry about chargebacks.
Manjo62 said:I have a 3 LNB installed by Robert's guy about 2 years back on side of my roof, they did a great job and I have no issues for 2 years.After 2 cancellations I finally had someone from DirectTV's DirectTech subcontractor at my place to do the install of 5 LNB dish.
The installer said he will be unable to install on the side of the house as the new dish is 40lb & can not go on side. He said he needs to put it on Roof and if he puts on the roof then I will not get signal from 119. Installer and subsequently DirectTV installation support said that his supervisor will review and based on the description it may an issue of no line of sight issue and I may not be able to get 5 LNB unless I shop the tree in front of the house.
Can someone tell me what my options are? Is there someone in DirecTV who really care about these things? The person on the line from their Installation Support Group did not care and so did the DirectTech guy.
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