yooper.mi said:Does anyone know the power consumption of a 622 while on and turned off (standby)by the remote?
That is only the rated or maximun wattage, I had my 622 plugged into a Kill-A-Watt for 10 days and it was always between 49 and 51 watts, on or in stand-by.. Also had my 42" plasma on the Kill-A-Watt for 10 days and tv is rated at 340w, avg. draw on it was about 200w maybe a little less.Rajumon said:If you look at the back panel of 622, near the AC power plug it says: "120VAC, 60 Hz, 120 Watts". I do not know exactly what it means, is it average, peak, minimum ?????.
Info you want is right here in Scotts Team Summit Blog...cleve_dnsc_tech said:Does anyone know if there is an external USB HDD device that will work with the 622. I would like to find another way to store my recordings.. other than a PocketDish
Dirtydan said:It is the same off or on about 50w
kluken said:Hmm, I am finding that hard to beliive becasue when muine is idle it is cool and quiet, after some use the fan ramps up and gets noisy and the damn thing gets very hot.
More like 50wyooper.mi said:So, about 60w average, on or off. I suppose the 508 would be close to also.
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