7/21 -> Promo information from BB Flyer I snagged early! Deals get worse! ORDER NOW!
You've probably seen my Best Buy $350, Bing 40% combined with referrals and the national and regional offers.
Well, I snagged the little flyers they have in the store for DirecTV purchases at Best Buy that they will be putting up on 7/22 reflecting the new offers and here are the comparisons.
Keep in mind, besides the Best Buy Gift Card offers, their fliers have typically reflected the national offers. I say typically, because they didn't get reprinted for the HD for life offer, etc.
NOW------------------------------------------------------------------>AFTER 7/21
$50 Gift Card w/DirecTV----------------------------------------------> SAME $50 Gift Card
$300 bonus GC w/DTV and $499+ HDTV---------------------------------> ONLY $100 Gift Card for same $499+ HDTV purchase
Save over $340 ($500 w/regional offer) in bill credits--------------------> ONLY over $250 or the Sunday Ticket 5mo free Premier offer
2 Free Upgrades - Free HD-DVR & HD Receiver--------------------------> ONLY 1 Upgrade of free HD-DVR
3 Free Months of Starz and Showtime-----------------------------------> UNKNOWN, it wasn't listed, but the primary offer is the Premier + Sunday Ticket, so probably still offered
FREE HD FOR LIFE-------------------------------------------------------------> NO FREE HD Offer mentioned (could be due to early printing before DISH's offer) So, just can't confirm anything at this point
...of course I can't guarantee all the information on this glossy Best Buy brochure is accurate.........but if they were off......you'd think they could reprint and ship to all their stores in time for 7/21

You've probably seen my Best Buy $350, Bing 40% combined with referrals and the national and regional offers.
Well, I snagged the little flyers they have in the store for DirecTV purchases at Best Buy that they will be putting up on 7/22 reflecting the new offers and here are the comparisons.
Keep in mind, besides the Best Buy Gift Card offers, their fliers have typically reflected the national offers. I say typically, because they didn't get reprinted for the HD for life offer, etc.
NOW------------------------------------------------------------------>AFTER 7/21
$50 Gift Card w/DirecTV----------------------------------------------> SAME $50 Gift Card
$300 bonus GC w/DTV and $499+ HDTV---------------------------------> ONLY $100 Gift Card for same $499+ HDTV purchase
Save over $340 ($500 w/regional offer) in bill credits--------------------> ONLY over $250 or the Sunday Ticket 5mo free Premier offer
2 Free Upgrades - Free HD-DVR & HD Receiver--------------------------> ONLY 1 Upgrade of free HD-DVR
3 Free Months of Starz and Showtime-----------------------------------> UNKNOWN, it wasn't listed, but the primary offer is the Premier + Sunday Ticket, so probably still offered
FREE HD FOR LIFE-------------------------------------------------------------> NO FREE HD Offer mentioned (could be due to early printing before DISH's offer) So, just can't confirm anything at this point
...of course I can't guarantee all the information on this glossy Best Buy brochure is accurate.........but if they were off......you'd think they could reprint and ship to all their stores in time for 7/21

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