I would have to agree that the OTA tuner in the 811 could do a better job of holding a signal. Before buying the 811, I was using the LG LST-3510A (combo upconverting DVD player & ATSC tuner) for my OTA DTV. With the LG I get all of the networks (UPN, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, WB, FOX, PAX). I get very strong signal meters on all of the networks except for UPN and FOX. Those two networks will have occasional hiccups, resulting in very brief pixelation, but are still extremely watchable. (And wouldn't you know it, PAX gets the strongest signal—what's up with that???)
The 811, on the other hand, kind of chokes on UPN and FOX. Even though the signal meters on all networks appear to be about 5-10% below what I get on the LG, I feel that the biggest problem is the way the 811 handles a less-than-ideal signal. Instead of allowing a little bit of breakup and pixelation to creep into the broadcast, the 811 blacks out the picture and brings up an error message until it is again completely satisfied with the signal. As a result, UPN and FOX are difficult to watch on the 811. I was watching American Idol last night and it would work fine most of the time, but I always knew that another error screen was just around the corner. I ended up switching to the LG to watch the show.
Since I have both the LG and 811 hooked up to my TV (51" Sony Wega CRT) I was able to make a subjective PQ comparison between the two tuners. While I have always been blown away by the HDTV picture from my LG, I was surprised to find that I actually thought that the 811 looked a little better in back-to-back comparisons. It seemed like I was seeing just a little bit more detail on the 811. The picture from the 811 was also just a tad brighter than that of the LG, so maybe that explains why I perceived more detail. Regardless, the PQ on the 811 was more than satisfactory.
Background: I live about 15 miles south of Indianapolis and I have the biggest outdoor antenna Radio Shack sells (VU-190 XR) installed in my attic (1 story house, vinyl siding). I have a direct line going from the antenna to a Philips 24db amp (PH61111) I found at Wal-Mart. The amp, which has two outputs, is located behind my TV. One output is going to the LG receiver while the other is going to the 811, so they should be receiving identical, undiluted signals. The LG is connected to the TV using HDMI, while the 811 is going through components.
BTW, regarding the OTA guide on the 811: When I first had my 811 hooked up I was not getting program information in the guide for my OTAs. I called tech support about this issue, and they forward me to "advanced" technical support. The advanced tech told me that the only way I could get guide information for the OTAs was to subscribe to the locals. I expressed in no uncertain terms that I didn't appreciate having to pay for programming that looks extremely poor on an HDTV just to have the guide data, and that I felt like they were just trying to squeeze me for 5 more dollars a month (with the acquisition of Voom channels I canceled my Top 120 pack and now subscribe to only HD). The situation was not resolved by tech support, but the next day the guide data suddenly started showing up for the OTAs. I don't know if it just takes the 811 some time to integrate the PSIP information into its guide or if something changed on Dish's side, but it's working on all of the OTA channels except for the primary PBS channel and (maybe) UPN.
PS. Does anybody have any suggestions on improving my reception on UPN and FOX? It seems like I'm just at the threshold of have a stable signal on those stations. Because of the size of my antenna, there is no room for turning it, but it is pointing roughly North. Does anybody see something I could change in my setup to get a slightly stronger overall signal?
Edgar in Indy
Go Pacers!