Smith said:
Well, since there are no MPEG-4 headers, no MPEG-4 compression, then why use the misleading interpretation ?
Since you're "baiting"

, please do tell us..............Wait ! Surely it's not to force subs to upgrade to MPEG4 receivers in ADVANCE of any significant MPEG-4 programming, maybe even to help fund further research into MPEG4 since they don't seem to understand it yet?
Ok, ok, before I get flamed, I agree that one's been beat to death.
However, when you add it to:
1. The HD-Lite debacle (in case you still don't get it, that whole business about fiber feeds was horseshit - HD Lite is not getting better anytime soon).
2. The fact that we were promised the remainder of the Voom 21 by the end of 2005 and told by multiple Dish sources that MPEG4 was still quite a ways off. Here it is almost mid May '06 and instead of Voom 21, we have Voom 15 and we were forced to buy / lease new receivers to get the new channels.
3. Dish promised us back in 2004 that just as soon as Congress allowed it, they would provide digital distants (HD DNS) "I-M-M-E-D-I-A-T-L-Y". We still do not have them and since they've been allowed for a while now, it's probably safe to say Dish has no intention of offering them any time soon. Apparently it's not because they can't because they did have the NY & LA HD DNS available to qualified subs on Feb 2nd for a while and then took them down.
4. That Dish was still marketing their 942 as the flagship, HD, DVR, receiver right up until a few weeks before they announced it WOULD NOT work for the new HD programing and in fact, they even killed any decent resale value by stating they WOULD NOT authorize them for HD to new accounts.
5. That some of their best existing HD customers were actually made to wait (or pay a premium) months longer to receive the promised new HD channels that new customers could see right away.
I know I probably have not articulated all this very well but you get the point - Dish is NOT at the top of the list when it comes to integrity and honorable & ethical business practices. I'm not sure DTV is any better. When you sign on with Dish, you really should be prepared because at some point you WILL be pissed off at them.