hello im looking for people to post what STB that can handle ACM for the MC Channnels. i already know that the hdvr3500 can but with problems.
I believe that Titanium has said the Edision OS MIO 4K receiver can handle ACM.
thanks is there anymore out there?????? waiting to see a list of receivers
I just looked on ebay and for some reason it is listed at $300 USD instead of $40. It must be better than I think it is ;-)
eBay now charges a final value fee to sellers who end their listing early. So if you have a listing up and don't let it run to its scheduled end date, you pay 10% !...
Maybe one of the regulars there on Ebay will elaborate on this practice.
I see a few have not discovered( like 3 years ago now) that you can have a QTY of 'zero' and hold your spot now, with out the outrageous price hike!
Limited time offer