ACTA - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement - that was negotiated in secrecy for some time between the US, EU, Canada and some other countries, got really on the nerves of the European parliament and they voted 633 vs. 13 against it.
The treaty was by many seen as an attempt to introduce DMCA-type legislation in most of the developed world without much trouble.
European parliament gives the us a lesson on freedom - The Inquirer
I liked this quote the most
The treaty was by many seen as an attempt to introduce DMCA-type legislation in most of the developed world without much trouble.
European parliament gives the us a lesson on freedom - The Inquirer
I liked this quote the most

It is deeply ironic that the Old World has now given the New World a lesson about democracy and freedom. It just goes to show that those middle class terrorists who revolted against their lawful King to create the so-called "land of the free" had no real interest in liberty and were only in it for the money.