Got them all here classic 250 Gold
I can understand Bronze getting screwed, because my bill is cheap. Its pretty shatty for the Gold subs.
I think they make more money off us though because we get so few channels compared to the Classic subs. I'm really getting to dislike E* more by the day. I'm certainly not paying $28 more for 4 channels though (including Fox News in that). I might as well go to D* if I'm going to do pay the extra bucks.
Anyone noticing weird specs all over the screen on comedy central hd? And also the audio/video sync is off
uplink thread
Great news, now if I can get the RSN I am supposed to get I'll be a VERY happy Dish Customer.
Re: Turbo Packages not getting some channels - Does that happen allot? I was thinking of switching from classic 200 silver to Turbo Gold, bad idea?
Re: Turbo Packages not getting some channels - Does that happen allot? I was thinking of switching from classic 200 silver to Turbo Gold, bad idea?
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