Rick214, just spotted your post in this older thread. I've been off the forum for a while, and have observed what I think might be "reincarnation" of some trolls.Rick214 said:Great post Vicki!
I think if someone is put on the ignore list by a certain number of members - that person should be banned - voted off the island! and should not be allowed to slither out of another hole with a different user name.
You know who you are!
Just my opinion: the mods do an excellent job with this forum but I would not be nearly as tolerant of these "bad apples".
I still say people placed on your "Ignore List" should not be able to see your posts. Eventually, the trollmongers will have nothing to read and thus no reason to troll this forum.Vicki said:Rick214, just spotted your post in this older thread. I've been off the forum for a while, and have observed what I think might be "reincarnation" of some trolls.
I'm not certain it's all new screen names for people slithering out of new holes, but at a minimum, it's birds of the same feather. If it walks like a troll, talks like a troll, and stinks like a troll...there's a good possibility IT ARE A TROLL!!!
Since I saw my name called in a couple of threads I haven't even posted in at all yet, by at least one of these (perhaps new or perhaps reincarnated) trolls...I figured maybe this thread could use a bump.
My reference in the original post can easily be replaced with newer, more current references to a couple of the new screen names I've seen. But even without utilizing any current references...the rest of the original post can and does apply to the behavior of some of our new "friends", as well as a couple of the old ones who just can't bear to leave the party yet....
Just my opinion...if anyone wants me to back my opinion up with current references, I'll be happy to do so....on Tuesday, when I'm fully caught up with my real life. But it's been my experience that the smarter trolls don't ask you for examples or back-up if they know you can provide it. Vicki
Vicki said:I am actually going to put you on my "ignore" list. Now, now…don’t get emotional…there’s no need to thank me!
Vicki said:socalpanman, I posted the steps here, towards the bottom http://www.satelliteguys.us/showthread.php?t=46077 It works on "viruses" and trolls alike, whichever problem you're seeking to eradicate. Vicki
bruce said:It is too bad that this thread started by this un-named person was killed.
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