ergoman said:Also, my deepest appreciation to Scott for his efforts and CES reports. I am amazed at the flaming directed his way. !
mdonnelly said:I'm actually enjoying all the traffic stemming from CES. Reminds me of the good old days of last year when the Duelin' Dolans were giving everyone here fits.
Don Landis said:Since the ATSC and FCC have assigned the vertical resolution of 720P 60 and 1080i 30 as the standard and allow a range of H pixels to qualify as HDTV
Foxbat said:May I pick a nit? Horizontal pixels <> Horizontal resolution. Don may be able to elucidate further since this is his livelyhood, but in order to resolve "x" lines, you need to to have 2x pixels. If you took a Sony SXRD 1080x1920 (to keep it consistant) set and tried to draw 1920 vertical black lines, you would have a black screen!
Foxbat said:May I pick a nit? Horizontal pixels <> Horizontal resolution. Don may be able to elucidate further since this is his livelyhood, but in order to resolve "x" lines, you need to to have 2x pixels. If you took a Sony SXRD 1080x1920 (to keep it consistant) set and tried to draw 1920 vertical black lines, you would have a black screen!
jpn said:I think you've got it reversed. 16:9 breaks down to 1080 lines, 1920 pixels wide.
Thats a good suggestion I have already for hooking up to my TV for gaming. my 42" sony RPLCD GW is actually 1388/700 displayable lines. But tell me this why does 1920x1280 look cripser on my TV even technically I can do much more then 1280x720?gpflepsen said:If you want to check your monitor's resolving capabilities, use a computer program (such as Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop) to paint an image the size of your native resolution. Make a repeating pattern or alternating white/black lines each one pixel wide. Do this for both horizontal and vertical orientations.
You will be amazed at what this will show on your monitor. This will also show the importance of using a digital connection instead of an analog one.
rthomp03 said:You will never ever see 1080p unless they double the satellite fleet.
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