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Android Honeycomb Tablets

Having said that (it is really hard to disagree with most of it), it is inevitable that
Android will beat iOS in the tablet market just like it did in the smartphone market...:)

If Windows doesn't do it first...:D

Diogen, you are right as long as you look at market share only. Android will beat out Apple. But just like in many other areas, Apple will make the most money with a smaller market share.

As to Windows and tablets/smart devices, I don't think Windows will be nearly a major player unless they make some serious changes at MS.
But just like in many other areas, Apple will make the most money with a smaller market share.
They sure will and I wish them all the best in this regard.
I want one thing: an alternative to be around. And from the manufacturer's point this means it should be profitable.

The most reliable way to get there is to beat iOS in market share. And that's the reason I'm interested in it.

And I'm really glad the way things go keeps you guys happy. Because I have nothing to complain about either...

I too like competition to be there. It pushes on both sides to give us better toys to play with, doesn't it? :)

I am primarily an Apple user because I just like the way they do things.
ASUS needs to get their manufacturing issues under control. The earthquake in Japan is really hurting them. I got my ASUS Transformer on Monday and I love it. Same processor, same memory, slightly different screen (but a great screen) then all the rest and $100 cheaper then every other Android and Ipad out there. Plus for the same price as the other guys you can then add a full keyboard, 2 usb reports and more battery life. What isn't to like and what is keeping it down besides the manufacturing issues.
Android is going to have a tougher time in the tablet market. People Buy phones primarily to make calls with apps being a secondary use. Android phones are good as phones so people can make allowances for apps that don't work on their particular device. On the other hand, tablets are purchased primarily to run apps. Having a store full of apps that won't work on your device isn't a big selling point. It's also difficult to know if the app you want will work on your device before you buy it. The wide range of hardware used on Android tablets will ensure that developers will need to spend a lot more time writing and testing code for that market.

I won't say that Android based tablets won't eventually take the larger part of the market but I don't see it happening very soon.
The wide range of hardware used on Android tablets will ensure that developers will need to spend a lot more time writing and testing code for that market.
Let's replace Android tablets with Windows PCs.
The latter support ten times more hardware components than Android.
And kept Macs marketshare in single digits for 25 years...

Hence, there are other reasons that define the success or failure of a product class...

If you think there are too many choices, congratulations you're the type of customer Apple wants. I didn't think it was possible to have too many choices.

Look at the personal computer industry. You have Apple being the only hardware manufacture for computers that run the Mac operating system. You have Microsoft, who makes no PC hardware (aside from mice now) who license their operating system out to other vendors. Same exact thing is happening with the tablet and smartphone industries, only its Apple and Google not Apple and Microsoft this time. Apple, being the anal retentive, controlling, self absorbed bastards that they are like to keep everything in house and cripple what the hardware is capable of doing with software. Look at all the mergers, acquisitions and acts of Darwinism that took place in the PC industry over the years and now we're basically down to three manufactures, Dell, HP and Gateway, plus a few others that only make laptops. Eventually the same will happen in the tablet industry as it matures. Every company who has anything to do with the CE industry may be putting out Android tablets now, but in 5 years there will only be a handful of manufactures to choose from. Who cares about the market share of individual manufactures? It's all about the platform and the Android platform will destroy iOS in time.
Keep drinking that Kool-aid; I used to drink it, but after using both tablet platforms extensively, I am not seeing that happen, i.e. the "destroying the iOS platform."

I know Android is capable of apps that are on par with iOS, but if the developers don't put the effort into them, Android will be crippled for a long time.
LOL, an Apple fanboi talking about kool-aid. Now of that isn't the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is.

A couple years ago when T-Mobile came out with a lowly phone called the G1 manufactured by a company most people never heard of at the time, no one expected what was about to come with the Android platform. In time the same will happen with tablets. The iPad is a very unimpressive device that makes me yawn. It's still baffles me that I was oh so very close to buying one about a year ago. That would have been even a bigger waste of money then the iPhone was. Still the only tablet I've played with to date that has me wanting one is the Xoom, now that sucker is slick and very impressive. The HTC Puccini looks pretty cool too, but since it's tied to AT&T I will not be buying one. As more Android tablets are sold, app developers will have a greater incentive to put out tablet versions of apps.
... if the developers don't put the effort into them, Android will be crippled for a long time.
I think the right question to ask would be: Can developers afford to ignore Android?

Smartphone dynamics of the last 18 months says "No". What will make the tablet market different?

Tablets are between laptops and phones and in both those markets Apple's dominance lasted a very short time...

This is a smartphone and not tablet example, but as my DX tries to push gingerbread to me, and I read 500 comments on droid-life of problems upgrading (see Friday Poll: Experiencing Any Issues With DROIDX Gingerbread? - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog ) I can understand why people are drawn to the St. Jobs model of "it works."

As far as diogen's question of can developers afford to ignore Android, I'd say no -- but the original idea underlying my comments was that if there was a TRUE competitor to the iPad, and not a slew of tablets, none with any market share, and all with different feature sets and compatibility issues, then there would be a heck of a stronger incentive. And that would breed better competition and improvements for all.

But what is the market? iPad vs what? Last fall the first Android tablet was announced, the Samsung Galaxy Tab, and I wanted it - and indeed spend 6 benjamins to get it - - but by the time I got it, it was declared DOA by the advent of the "Xoom" (even though I'd argue that my Tab still runs circles around the Xoom in terms of functionality). Now there is a new tablet every week, the poor shmucks at Best buy don't even know what to feature.

But what do I know, I'm just - laugh - an Apple fan-boi -- :rolleyes: - because I own and am willing to try both operating systems.
Now there is a new tablet every week, the poor shmucks at Best buy don't even know what to feature.

So Fanboi, what exactly is so bad about that? Isn't variety nice? I know your beloved Apple only comes out with one model of an iThing a year, but what about those that want slightly different options?
So Fanboi, what exactly is so bad about that? Isn't variety nice? I know your beloved Apple only comes out with one model of an iThing a year, but what about those that want slightly different options?

What are you talking about? "My beloved apple?" Lets see, the guy who seems to have something stuck up his rear end when it comes to Apple isn't me. :rolleyes: (but since you don't speak emoticon, that means I am rolling my eyes at you).

You read what you want to read, and then never read the full post. Variety is fine, but no market share does not make for a strong market in which there are two or three strong competitors fighting it out. So again, I ask, iPad vs. what? Xoom, Asus, Tab, Tab 10.1, Playbook, Nook Color? All are different, none of the Honeycomb ones have a fraction of "real" tablet applications available for them, and as a result, Apple doesn't even need a new version of the "Mac v. PC" ad's, they just advertise their device, which works out of the box. But don't listen to me, I'm a fanboi. ::shakes-head::

But there is no point arguing with you, so I won't bother.
...because I own and am willing to try both operating systems.
And that was over the top.
I really hate bowing to the argument "shut the f*** up unless you have tried it", but I guess I'll have to...

I don't own but use iPhone/Macs/iPads every day. Mostly in the sysadmin capacity.
When I'm in London (2+ times a year) I use only an iPhone (my daughter's family has a pile of them).
When I'm in Berlin I use Macs only (my niece's extended family is Apple only).
On average, at least 2-3 hours a day I spend in front of non-Windows/Android gadgets.

Do I pass "Have you tried it?" test?

I know what Apple products are and how to use them. I even owned at one point that POS called Cube... Before that POS became magic...

And I'm completely OK with people praising Apple products - it's personal!
I'm constantly blamed at work for never have a definite answer to the question "Should I buy a Mac or PC?"
But this "I've seen the light! Switched from PC to Mac and now everything is better including my erection!" is taking it too far...

Since Windows NT4 SP3 I've never ever had a problem to keep a Windows server/desktop running at a level Linux prides itself doing.
It always got the job done without fuss (with one exception of that Sony rootkit). I also have enough Linux/Solaris boxes for particular jobs...

The Apple cult is not for me. You like it? Have fun!
You think there is objective proof the Apple ecosystem has intrinsic advantages over others? Get your head examined...

So Fanboi, what exactly is so bad about that? Isn't variety nice? I know your beloved Apple only comes out with one model of an iThing a year, but what about those that want slightly different options?

There is nothing wrong with well managed variety, the problem for Android is and has been that not all Android devices can run all the software out there for the various Android versions, and the various pieces of hardware it runs on. For the more technologically inclined, that isn't all bad and can sometimes be very good, but for the bulk of the smartphone/tablet market, it is an impediment.

And yes, I am an Apple fanboi and became one because when I made the switch, I found that overall, Apple just does it better.

But feel free to keep sowing the sour grapes you seem to love... :)
And that was over the top.
I really hate bowing to the argument "shut the f*** up unless you have tried it", but I guess I'll have to...

I don't own but use iPhone/Macs/iPads every day. Mostly in the sysadmin capacity.
When I'm in London (2+ times a year) I use only an iPhone (my daughter's family has a pile of them).
When I'm in Berlin I use Macs only (my niece's extended family is Apple only).
On average, at least 2-3 hours a day I spend in front of non-Windows/Android gadgets.

Do I pass "Have you tried it?" test?

I know what Apple products are and how to use them. I even owned at one point that POS called Cube... Before that POS became magic...

And I'm completely OK with people praising Apple products - it's personal!
I'm constantly blamed at work for never have a definite answer to the question "Should I buy a Mac or PC?"
But this "I've seen the light! Switched from PC to Mac and now everything is better including my erection!" is taking it too far...

Since Windows NT4 SP3 I've never ever had a problem to keep a Windows server/desktop running at a level Linux prides itself doing.
It always got the job done without fuss (with one exception of that Sony rootkit). I also have enough Linux/Solaris boxes for particular jobs...

The Apple cult is not for me. You like it? Have fun!
You think there is objective proof the Apple ecosystem has intrinsic advantages over others? Get your head examined...


Diogen - When did I say any of that? That the Apple ecosystem has intrinsic advantage? I never did. I was talking about frustration of no one true leader emerging in the Android tablet market.

Sure I like my Macbook, it has some great features; but there are many things I like about W7 and wish the Macbook had. Sure I like my iPad, but man, I wish it had the ability to run widgets like my Galaxy Tab. And that I could plug it into a PC or Mac and just have access to the hard drive in a meaningful way (like I can on the DX and Tab).

But like you, I feel a bit more competent about criticizing or praising the others now that I have experience with both operating systems. Rather than (and I'll admit I used to do this) spewing about the evilness of one side (Apple) when I had never used it.
What are you talking about? "My beloved apple?" Lets see, the guy who seems to have something stuck up his rear end when it comes to Apple isn't me. :rolleyes: (but since you don't speak emoticon, that means I am rolling my eyes at you).

You read what you want to read, and then never read the full post. Variety is fine, but no market share does not make for a strong market in which there are two or three strong competitors fighting it out. So again, I ask, iPad vs. what? Xoom, Asus, Tab, Tab 10.1, Playbook, Nook Color? All are different, none of the Honeycomb ones have a fraction of "real" tablet applications available for them, and as a result, Apple doesn't even need a new version of the "Mac v. PC" ad's, they just advertise their device, which works out of the box. But don't listen to me, I'm a fanboi. ::shakes-head::

But there is no point arguing with you, so I won't bother.
So in the smartphone world, what is it, iPhone v Droid or Droid X or G2 or Evo, or Fascinate or Blackberry Curve or Palm Pre? Which one is it? You're so fixated on a specific tablet it's nonsensical. It wasn't a specific Android phone that laid the beatdown on Apple, it was a whole slew of superior phones from many manufactures lead by Motorola, HTC and Samsung. When Android first came out it didn't have the amount or quality of the apps the iPhone did. When the iPad first came out there were very few tablet specific apps. You're so dumbfounded by your new found love for Apple you can no longer think with rationale. Give it a year, not even, and Android will be more in line with Apple then you think when it comes to tablet specific apps available on both platforms.

I may not have a tablet, but I've been using Android on a phone for the past year, and had an iPhone for a year and a half before that. Does any of that count? Don't I have an equal right to speak on how much Apple sucks? I don't own an iPad because the thing does not interest me. It's nothing special, it's overrated, and it's built on iOS which I cannot stand, and I'm not going to fork out $600 or $700 bucks for something I know I will hate just so I can try it.
There is nothing wrong with well managed variety, the problem for Android is and has been that not all Android devices can run all the software out there for the various Android versions, and the various pieces of hardware it runs on. For the more technologically inclined, that isn't all bad and can sometimes be very good, but for the bulk of the smartphone/tablet market, it is an impediment.

And yes, I am an Apple fanboi and became one because when I made the switch, I found that overall, Apple just does it better.

But feel free to keep sowing the sour grapes you seem to love... :)

The only sour grapes I have are with myself. I put up with using the god awful iPhone for a year and a half and flushed $300 down the toilet for the privilege of doing so. But that's alright I guess. Only makes me appreciate my Evo and Android even more when compared to something that lousy. And don't even get me started on the iPod. How the hell that thing go so poopular is beyond me. My Sony Walkman kills the iPod.

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