Pobs good luck I hope you can get G1 with a bigger dish! What signal number are you getting on 540 I'm curious?
Thanks. The line on "Option 4-7" is reading:
C. SignalT1 (540): 0, (Ecb/No -2.9 dB)
At night, with a clear sky, the signal has gone up on 75e.
Channel 009 8.5 dB
Channel 098 -1.1 dB
Channel 200 -1.1 dB
Channel 540 -2.9 db
So if I can find a 1.8 meter offset dish locally, I'll be optimistic.
If I cannot find a 1.8 m (6') offset locally -- I'll try mounting the F1R/G1 LNB, prime focus on my 9.5' Winegard perf (that I have not used in almost 10 years