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Another Dish Screwup... | SatelliteGuys.US

Another Dish Screwup...

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
So I decided to take the plunge and upgrade my 921 and 942 to 622's and upgrade my 811 to a 211.

So on Wednesday I order my equipment from Dish. I am giving an install of today in the morning. This order was submitted by someone in the executive offices so I figured I had no problems....


Last night at 8:30PM we get a call from Aerocom who I guess does the DNS work here in Connecticut (they called from a Mass number) confirming my appointment for today. They said the equipment would be delivered between 8am and noon. I was happy all was going smooth.

Today I wake up and get ready for the new equipment, after awhile I go outside and assemble my new 1.2 meter dish. Got that all put together so I do some stuff to get ready for my July 4th party.

At 11:40am the person from Aerocom calls me and tells me he had trouble at his last job and it took him longer then it was supposed to, however he would be at my house in 20 minutes.

20 minutes goes by and nothing...

Then an hour goes by.... nothing....

After an hour and 30 minutes my wife had steam coming out of her ears. We had a lot of stuff to do so she sent me out to start doing some of the stuff that needed to be done while she calls Dish Network.

Of course she calls and gets someone in India who tells her there is nothing she can do and to wait longer or call back Monday... My wife does not like that answer and is getting more mad. The lady in India puts her on hold and of course she is hung up on.

My wife has an idea and looks at the caller id and sees that the installer calls from his own cell phone so she calls him, he tells her he is still stuck at the last job and will be there when he can, she explains to him that window for this job was between 8am and noon and now it was close to 2 in the afternoon and that she has stuff to do.

He days he will leave that job and come over to deliver the equipment, he says hes only 3 streets over from our house.

So a couple of minutes later he comes with only a 211. My wife asks where the two 622's are and he says that they do not stock nor carry the 622 and that Dish Network would need to send it to me. He then wanted my wife to sign a work order which had the 622's listed on it along with the 211 my wife looked at that told him to take his 211 and to get the hell out of our house.

She then calls Dish and once again gets someone in India. She is told that she needs to call the install company to reschedule. My wife says thats unacceptable she purchased it from Dish Network and they are the ones doing the install. She is put on hold and says they can come back next month. Unacceptable again. She is put on hold again and this time is hung up on.

She finally gave up at that point.

This is great Our 8 - 12 call took till 2:45 to happen and they didnt even bring the correct equipment. My wife is really mad now. Grrrrr....

No idea when we are going to see the equipment we have already paid for :(

Another Dish Network Blunder.
When they came out to do my 622 install, they called me at 7 am and said he would be here in an hour.

Showed up at 11:30, in the middle of a World Cup soccer match. Hooked up the 622. And of course, by the time it downloaded all its info, I had finished watching the game on a 20" TV instead of my 60" I bought specifically for soccer.

Not happy.
gutter said:
You mean even the "Great Scott" even gets the run around?

Scott tell us this ain't so. How dare they mess with the great Scott G. of Satellite Guys.

I personally think they should refund your money and do the whole upgrade for free!! Just think of all the new subs they get from this site of yours. They should be kissing your A@# right about now. :D
Seems lots of same stories with Dish installer........

Few years back, my first install experiences was about same. 8-12 appointment, kept calling me that he was "stucked" with last job, didn't show up until 5pm!!!! Then, did not secure the dish; at one of the room, installed wire, but could not fit the RF plate properly, left the cable daggling and left. I was so mad, called dish and demanded to have another installer and credit for the cost of install.It was year later, through a friend, now I have a excellent installer that has been taking care pretty much all the dish upgrade, OTA antenna install, has done wonderful job. Always wondering, why dish always gave out the worst installer first....... must be part of "excitment" they packaged into their service :-)
If it was me, I would be calling up Aerocam and ask what the hell happened!! Most DNS and RSPs are now stocking 622s. So this BS of saying it has to be shipped doesn't wash anymore

You've read enough about other people on here to know you HAVE to bitch and moan to get anything to happen. Really sad state of affairs. Unfortunately, it's not just restricted to Dish
Unfortunately bitching and moaning at the folks in india does no good. They could care less or they can't understand you anyways.
I would have made a video of the installer saying he couldn't do his job, and then post it on :D
Ok, I am going to let all of you know what life as a dish installer is all about, it sux it really really sux. We spend all day listening to the moans and groans of customers who thinks our job is so easy and that everything always goes smooth. Well let me just say, a typical day is anything but smooth half the time. The schedual's that are made for customers for us to arrive in the am or pm are jokes. That am or pm stuff will never happen like it should. No one persons house is never the same, one house might be an easy install and the next is what I like to call a f**ked up fortress. And what I mean by that is that you get some prick that is so maticulas about where sh*t goes that you end up spending 6 hours on an install that should only take 3. The way I figure it is is that one room install should take one hour to put in and four rooms should take four to five hours. But since I have in the past spent nearly 10 hours doing an install from hell, some people need to have more respect for us installers. We bust ass everyday so people can sit and watch their tv, and most the time all we get are complaints in return. The reason most of us do what we do and put up with half the sh*t we do is because dish pays really good. Let's talk priorities for a minuet. There are so many people with no priorities in this world other than watching their so called tv and it truley makes me sick. I have done installs for people that their kids are dressed in winter coats in their own home because they can not afford heat, but they can have their good old dish tv with the top 180. Or the basements that I have to enter with raw sewage or used woman products all over the floor, heres a hint people, put some effort into cleaning your crap hole of a house before we come to install your neato dish system. I take pride in the work I do, and in my appearence, the least you can do is vacume the cheetos out of your carpet before I arrive. Now don't get me wrong, a lot of people are cool and I have no problem bending over backwards to try to help them as possible. But is it to hard to understand that if your 80 years of age or above that you sould not be allowed to order a dvr system, these system are way to complicated for your deteriating mind. And one last thing people, if your get a dual tuner, is it really to hard of a consept to have your tv1 location on channel 3 and tv2 location on the specified channel your installer tells you because that number 2 tv location channel seems to exit your minds quick as sh*t. Peace out people for now
Ok, I would have posted this earlier, but had no internet connection because I just moved. Anyways, my nightmare started on Friday, June 23rd. I had a scheduled appointment for the hours between 8am and 12pm. Those times came and went and at 1pm I got a call (at my old residence) that the installer can't find my apartment complex. They told me they would try to recschedule for later in the day. I then called dish and they told me that they contacted the dispatcher and explained that they would have to reschedule for the next available time.

The next available date was Friday July 7th between 12pm and 5pm

I have to go 2 weeks with no dish. I was really surprised that was their next only open slot. So here I've been with no dish no HD no nothing. I can't even watch my OTA because the receiver just keeps looking for a signal. Now I just sit and wait till Friday...
Boy it sad all problems people have.. I hope Dish fixes it and gives you all some money back. I have had D* and Charter Cable And never had any installer problem Except D* forgot the plumb my dish. E* was installed on on the 24th on June. I was scheduled for Mon. The dispatcher told called and asked if Sat would be OK because the other call was cancelled. The installer was great nice friendly and great and the office is in Chanhassen, MN..I think a Dish network employee. He was remotely from Buffalo, MN
That was couple years ago when I was work for a company they do all the Dish installation and service calls, since we paid by the job, so its a single man job, but, some of the work that really need two peoples in site for safety purpose or to speed the work for sometime.

No doubt, if all jobs are easy and quick, you could easily making $3-400 a day by doing three or four work orders, but some are really really bad and time consume.

We had a job at a small town, two dishes four receiver, took two experienced tech 7.5 hours and over 500' cable to finished this complete installation for a $155 pay install.

I did one install took over five hours for three receivers, because the cable has to run under the house to three difference location, got in from a side of the house with broken wire and smell strong animal smell, claw feet by feet because it only 2 foot high slab for this old old house, you may ask why not run from attic, but full of stuffs there and also very very dusty. And many of those time consume work and worst is, the call center keep calling you after hour you off the warehouse.

Setting rate for all jobs is not going to work, each job is difference.
kenny911 said:
Scott should have bought it for $500 from like I did.
Actually, he wanted to, but I decided we should lease. Although with all this frustration perhaps I should have called Claude. :eek:

211 versus 501

110 sat signal

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