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Another Dish Screwup... | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Another Dish Screwup...

Video rants are easy to make and distribute.

We all need to RECORD THE AUDIO of our Dish telephone conversations.

Hook up a simple webcam and describe your experience. Take the AVI into Windows Movie Maker 2 (free) and edit it up a little will a few still images of equipment, pic of Dish headquarters, add in the phone audio clip of unintelligible support staff from India and pics of the frustrated and soon-to-become-serial-killer wife.

Post on You Tube and other sites.

Email link to everyone you know and various technology and news sites -- they may pick up on the horror story.

Use Skype when calling Dish and run Total Record ($11 audio capture program) in the background to snag the converstaion.

Remember to post GOOD experiences as well. We tend to only act on bad experiences (human nature).
Would you like to sit there and sub-title the "words" that your CSR is speaking to you so the rest of us can understand it?

It bothers me that people who we yell at, curse at, and generally despise have such easy access to our account information. My bank doesn't bother me so much, but places like Dish Network who you KNOW don't have very intensive hiring requirements bothers me.
After all this time, I thought Scott was a retailer since he can watch the Retailer Chats and get Retailer Facts Blast. Scott, how did you "upgrade" to two 622's and one 211? Did you purchase the 211 on top of your upgrade?
Sounds like the mess trying to get my 622 that no one could seem to figure out if Dish was sending it or the installer bringing it (it ended up Dish was sending but hadnt bothered to ship it in time for the install)

One question though, Scott...if you set the whole thing up with the Executive office, why were you bothering with the mere-mortals of regular customer service in India to try to fix it? In my experiences, once the Executive Office touches something, they are the only ones who can effectively deal with it from that point forward.
srs913 said:
But is it to hard to understand that if your 80 years of age or above that you sould not be allowed to order a dvr system, these system are way to complicated for your deteriating mind.

My 83 year old grandmother and her DVR wanted me to tell you your (I had something harsher here, but decided two wrongs don't make a right) rude and insensitive towards the very people that helped build this great nation into what it is today. Find a new job if you can't handle giving those people the respect they deserve.
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I'll make it real simple. We don't allow personal attacks here.

I nuked your 1st "flame" post and you felt the need to reiterate it. So I nuked it again

Do it again and you're gone for a couple days.
And I'll make it real simple here without attacking anyone personally, old people and dvr's don't mix, thats the only point im trying to make.
DWS44 said:
One question though, Scott...if you set the whole thing up with the Executive office, why were you bothering with the mere-mortals of regular customer service in India to try to fix it? In my experiences, once the Executive Office touches something, they are the only ones who can effectively deal with it from that point forward.
All my contacts are off until Wednesday due to the holiday, and my wife does not have that info anyways. :)
srs913 said:
Ok, I am going to let all of you know what life as a dish installer is all about, it sux it really really sux. We spend all day listening to the moans and groans of customers who thinks our job is so easy and that everything always goes smooth. Well let me just say, a typical day is anything but smooth half the time. The schedual's that are made for customers for us to arrive in the am or pm are jokes. That am or pm stuff will never happen like it should. No one persons house is never the same, one house might be an easy install and the next is what I like to call a f**ked up fortress. And what I mean by that is that you get some prick that is so maticulas about where sh*t goes that you end up spending 6 hours on an install that should only take 3. The way I figure it is is that one room install should take one hour to put in and four rooms should take four to five hours. But since I have in the past spent nearly 10 hours doing an install from hell, some people need to have more respect for us installers. We bust ass everyday so people can sit and watch their tv, and most the time all we get are complaints in return. The reason most of us do what we do and put up with half the sh*t we do is because dish pays really good. Let's talk priorities for a minuet. There are so many people with no priorities in this world other than watching their so called tv and it truley makes me sick. I have done installs for people that their kids are dressed in winter coats in their own home because they can not afford heat, but they can have their good old dish tv with the top 180. Or the basements that I have to enter with raw sewage or used woman products all over the floor, heres a hint people, put some effort into cleaning your crap hole of a house before we come to install your neato dish system. I take pride in the work I do, and in my appearence, the least you can do is vacume the cheetos out of your carpet before I arrive. Now don't get me wrong, a lot of people are cool and I have no problem bending over backwards to try to help them as possible. But is it to hard to understand that if your 80 years of age or above that you sould not be allowed to order a dvr system, these system are way to complicated for your deteriating mind. And one last thing people, if your get a dual tuner, is it really to hard of a consept to have your tv1 location on channel 3 and tv2 location on the specified channel your installer tells you because that number 2 tv location channel seems to exit your minds quick as sh*t. Peace out people for now

Ok, first of all, if that is true, then you (the installer) should be "Professional" enough to call your next customer(s) and say something along the lines of "I am sorry, there is no way I can make to your house today, I am stuck else where". I use to have to do service calls for PC's, and I never went all day long before I called my customers, I called all of them first thing, and if I got behind, and I knew that I had to scrap my next customer, I'd actually call them. Next, I would always be sure that I had all of the equipment that I needed, and if I didn't, I would call the customer and tell them that I don't have what is needed for their install!

And secondly, if you don't like dealing with customers, perhaps you shouldn't be a installer! You should have known that customers would want the job done right--wouldn't you?--and when you don't do it right, YOU ARE TO BLAME! I don't care for an excuse from someone that screws something up, I could care less that Dish makes it hard on them or that the installer's job is too hard, I just want what I bought and paid for.

I would rather do ANY install myself, than to have some "professional" installer show up who I don't know. How good they are, how bad they are, or how much of a prick they are. Every time I've had a "Professional" installer come (Direcway installer and Directv installer one time each) they screwed more stuff up than they were worth. I've had to go back and fix their screw ups. I would prefer to never have another "Professional" installer come to my house, but I know that if I upgrade, I will be forced to allow some idiot--at least 50/50 chance of it anyways, likely greater than that--screw it all up!
It's not that I don't like customer's, its just I hate the ones where you have to install in their house and the house looks and smells like it needs to be torn down. I'm not one to stero type but lets take trailer parks for instance, the installs are easy but almost 80 percent of any trailer you go and do an install for they are smokers, I hate smoke but I suck it up and do the job. Or the houses where I have to go into and the smell is some of the most un goddley smell you have ever come across, makes you want to vomit in your mouth. I really do like people but some people and I do not mix because of some issues. And Iceburg, thats awesome that your grandma understands a dvr, but the percentage of older folks that do understand is very very low.
Well the topic was about Scott getting hosed by an incompetent Dish installer. Sounds like a typical day for most subs on this board who have ever complained about Dish's screwup installations.

I am glad I have learned enough from this board and others, on how to install my own sat dishes and after almost 10 years of Dish experience as a Dish sub , I have learned how to do just about any dish receiver. I don't deal with Dish anymore for any receivers that are "free " with a commitment or leased and you pay $5.00 more a month. I buy mine from online stores like and It saves me from the horror stories of these type of installations or in Scott's case no installations.
srs913 said:
And I'll make it real simple here without attacking anyone personally, old people and dvr's don't mix, thats the only point im trying to make.

I guess you found the fountain of youth !
srs913 said:
And I'll make it real simple here without attacking anyone personally, old people and dvr's don't mix, thats the only point im trying to make.
srs913 said:
It's not that I don't like customer's, its just .......
srs913 said:
I'm not one to stero type but.......
srs913 said:
I hate smoke but I suck it up and .........and the smell is some of the most un goddley smell .......
I really do like people but some people and I do not mix because of some issues.

You may want to consider a line of work less directly involved with the general public.

and as for your opinion of old people and DVRs, I expect whatever you think should be the cut off age for owning one, you should probably deduct another 10 or 15 years for when you should no longer be allowed to install them.
Sounds like a lot of people think they could do a better job. I wonder if Dish's website has an employment link? Hmm...
When my dish was installed a few weeks ago the installer got pissed when I made him run all new RG6 instead of reusing the lines Time Warner ran. I came to find out later that he is not allowed to use Time Warner's cable anyway (2nd installer who came out told me this). Maybe the installer above works hard and takes pride in what he does, but not all Dish installers do this.
Unless I have no other choice I like to do my own installs. I am not a professional by any means, but I am competent enough to do a decent job, and do it the way I like it. I suspect that many people here like to do their own installs as well, or could do it if need be. The one time I had to have a professional installer come over he was courteous and professional, and did a good job. He also said nothing about the poor condition of my backyard at the time, much to his credit. He was also on time and had the correct equipment.
I've always done the coax runs in-house prior to any installs - just works out better & is much faster service call. I had a C-band dish for 15 years, so got plenty of practice runing coax (and fixing the drive motor). I figure that I'll do the best coax install since it's my house & I know the tricks to get the coax where I want it. The installers have always been please that they just have to deal with the dish/switch/outside coax.

211 versus 501

110 sat signal

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