The story on this is that about a year ago I was driving by a house and happened to spot a big 10 foot C-band mesh dish in the backyard that looked (from the road) to be in halfway decent shape, so I stopped and knocked on the door but no one was home. So I left a note in the door basically saying that if they weren't using the dish and wanted to get rid of it to please call me. I stopped a couple more times and left at least one more note but could never catch anyone home, so I forgot about it. To make a long story short, about a week ago I got an unexpected call from a woman who said she was the fiancee of the guy who lived in that house, and she just hated that big ugly dish in his backyard (she really did call it a big ugly dish!), so if I still wanted it I could come and get it. She said he had saved my notes but didn't like to call people on the phone, so that's why she was calling.
So I went to get it and as soon as I got a good close up look at it I wondered if I had made a mistake. We had a real hard time getting it off the pole for some reason, but while we were working on it the woman came out and again made it clear she just wanted it gone, so we wound up disconnecting the dish from the mount first, then removing the mount from the pole. I figured since we were already there and since she wanted it gone so bad, I might as well take it even if it turned out to be junk (could always reuse the panels to repair another dish, if nothing else). I knew we were in trouble when we were strapping it down to the trailer and the rim actually bent a little. And the reason is because one quarter panel (the one that was closest to the bottom of the dish) has a VERY badly rusted rim. When I got it home I gave the entire rim a quick spray with some rust destroyer paint but even after that it looks like this:

I have two concerns about this dish, first is that with that rim so badly damaged is there any hope it will still hold the parabolic shape? It already looks a bit off to me; and with that rim so badly damaged there's not much to pull on if the dish needs to be pulled back into shape, and the panels already look a little "crumpled" in spots, but not horribly bad to me. And the other is, since I had to take the dish off the mount anyway I was going to flip it upside down so that the strongest part is at the bottom, where the snow will collect, but is there any way to repair that badly rusted rim first that does not involve serious metalworking skills? I don't have access to a welder or a machine shop or anything like that; I have basic homeowner tools like a drill and various types of saws but no way to form a new rim that I know of. I just wondered if anyone else might have encountered this and would have any suggestions on how to at least strengthen that rusty rim, if not get it into perfect shape, without spending much money. Or do you think this dish is so far gone that it will never work well enough to be worth trying to save? I was originally thinking of replacing my G16 dish, which is only 7½ feet in diameter, but considering the amount of rust and the possible deformed shape I'm concerned that it won't actually give me any additional signal strength. I don't know how far off from a perfect parabolic shape a C-band dish can be and still be usable.
I also wonder why just that bottom quarter panel is so badly rusted when the rest of the rim was in nowhere near that bad shape, but I guess that's one of those questions that will forever remain a mystery. It's almost as if that one quarter panel was originally pained with a different, inferior paint or something.
So I went to get it and as soon as I got a good close up look at it I wondered if I had made a mistake. We had a real hard time getting it off the pole for some reason, but while we were working on it the woman came out and again made it clear she just wanted it gone, so we wound up disconnecting the dish from the mount first, then removing the mount from the pole. I figured since we were already there and since she wanted it gone so bad, I might as well take it even if it turned out to be junk (could always reuse the panels to repair another dish, if nothing else). I knew we were in trouble when we were strapping it down to the trailer and the rim actually bent a little. And the reason is because one quarter panel (the one that was closest to the bottom of the dish) has a VERY badly rusted rim. When I got it home I gave the entire rim a quick spray with some rust destroyer paint but even after that it looks like this:

I have two concerns about this dish, first is that with that rim so badly damaged is there any hope it will still hold the parabolic shape? It already looks a bit off to me; and with that rim so badly damaged there's not much to pull on if the dish needs to be pulled back into shape, and the panels already look a little "crumpled" in spots, but not horribly bad to me. And the other is, since I had to take the dish off the mount anyway I was going to flip it upside down so that the strongest part is at the bottom, where the snow will collect, but is there any way to repair that badly rusted rim first that does not involve serious metalworking skills? I don't have access to a welder or a machine shop or anything like that; I have basic homeowner tools like a drill and various types of saws but no way to form a new rim that I know of. I just wondered if anyone else might have encountered this and would have any suggestions on how to at least strengthen that rusty rim, if not get it into perfect shape, without spending much money. Or do you think this dish is so far gone that it will never work well enough to be worth trying to save? I was originally thinking of replacing my G16 dish, which is only 7½ feet in diameter, but considering the amount of rust and the possible deformed shape I'm concerned that it won't actually give me any additional signal strength. I don't know how far off from a perfect parabolic shape a C-band dish can be and still be usable.
I also wonder why just that bottom quarter panel is so badly rusted when the rest of the rim was in nowhere near that bad shape, but I guess that's one of those questions that will forever remain a mystery. It's almost as if that one quarter panel was originally pained with a different, inferior paint or something.