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Anyone else lied too by sales staff?

Anyone else lied too by sales staff?....
This is a rhetorical question, right :rolleyes:

BTW When you deal with Dish sales staff (or CSRs) you can easily tell when they are not telling you the 'truth, the whole truth. and nothing but the truth'... either their lips are moving or their fingers are typing or BOTH :D But they are technically not lying unless they actually know the truth. And Dish successfully keeps them in the dark, even more than they (try to) keep us in the dark. Thankfully we have SatelliteGuys to help us determine what (if any) of what they say/type may even resemble the truth :)

Talon Dancer
Was lied to repeatedly by DirectTV staff. Finally got the straight scoop after the
install, cancelled right away. They still took a cancellation fee from me and I had
to fight to get it back!

DirectTV, never again!
With so many people saying so many things - it's a challenge to know if what you are being offered is realistic. I tend to compare what I'm being told to what others actually are paying and see if it makes sense.

A two year guarantee makes sense if it's a two year contract - but that isn't realisitc when comparing to reality of what people pay. The norm is $25 off your monthly bill for the first 6 months. I'd say that $45 for 3 receivers is a killer deal and to get that for 2 years seems too long comparing it to what everyone else pays. You'd be the exception if that happened. $65 per month seems more like it after doing your homework. If they extend the deal for 1 full year, you did better than most everyone else.

Do you have a phone line connected to all the receivers necessary to avoid the extra fee? Are you paying an extra fee for HD programming? I asked earlier to see the line items on your bill - so then we could tell what is really going on, if not we can just speculate.
As someone who was either not informed of or forgot that activating an additional receiver means getting your DirecTV contract extended for two more years, let me offer these words of advice:

Ask for the terms in writing in an email from the CSR. Request it by noting what's in it for the company: It will enable them to prove that they informed you of your obligations and responsibilities.

If the CSR cannot do this, ask to be transferred to someone who can. If this does not work, send an email to DirecTV Customer Feedback. You will be contacted, guaranteed, and they will listen to you.
Dish Network seems to show a pattern of lying -- and not just the CSRs. The CEO explicitly said the large prices to the TurboHD packages would be worth it because of all the programming, yet the $10 price hikes to TurboHD packages are getting them less new HD programming that other packages that only went up $3-5.
First off, I have no idea how anyone in Dish could say that your price is guaranteed when in the agreement is clearly states that programming and pricing are subject to change.

Kind of seems like a fault on both ends(if the CSR actually stated that it was guaranteed). Half on the CSR for lying and half because you didn't read before you agreed.

I have a habit, just like one of the other posters, that I like to read what I am getting in to before I commit to anything. Everyone knows that price increases happen every year... well, except... you?
Wait a second guys. I should have researched it myself. I would think calling a getting a quote is all i need to do. I did do research on the exact equipment so i new it would work with the Tv's i have.
Your right its the top 200 not 100. As far as equipment I got a Vip211k HD reciever , a 322 dual SD tuner and a Vip 612 DVR dual tuner. I was told over and over that would be $45 a month for 2 years. Free installation.

Now some of you think i should have priced it out on there web site? That seems like alot of work BUT it appears i should have. Like i said they did credit me for 1 year for $45 a month. My only concern is that iam commited for 2 years. I say iam not once they changed the agreed upon monthly fee.
I just filed a complaint at the Better Business Bureau, dont think that will do much but might as well. At least it will show i dissagree with what they say i agreed the monthly bill would be.

I did sign a contract when the installer came to my house BUT it only says i agree for 2 year service at the agreed upon monthly charge BUT it doesnt say what that monthly charge is. Had it i would have saw they higher bill and wouldnt have signed it. Plus my signature confirmed the installer did install the correct equipment, which he did.

Forgot to mention I called the phone number on Dishnetworks web site to order the service. I had no idea the sales staff were so untrust worthy. Iam a long time Cable user. When i call Time Warners 800 number i get Time Warner not some fly by night sales people from who knows were.

Yes. A savvy consumer should ALWAYS do their homework before buying. It is OUR responsibility as consumers to know all the details before a purchase. Anytbing less than that is foolish.
Consumers that buy based on the word of a solicitor or other representative without checking the veracity of that info are not smart consumers.
Due dilligence is the term of the present and future.
Yes. A savvy consumer should ALWAYS do their homework before buying. It is OUR responsibility as consumers to know all the details before a purchase. Anytbing less than that is foolish.
Consumers that buy based on the word of a solicitor or other representative without checking the veracity of that info are not smart consumers.
Due dilligence is the term of the present and future.
Good response. Think of going to a car dealership and just signing all the forms and then wondering why you are dumping too much money into worthless extended warranty's, extra fees galore, and paying too much all around...

Foolish indeed, especially if you are signing a contract.
When i order'ed Dish Network i was quoted over the phone $45 a month for 2 years. I get it installed and somehow they had my address correct for installation BUT had my address wrong for billing. I dont get a bill after about 1.5 months i call and ask weres my bill. They correct billing address say they will send a bill out that day. Still no bill, few weeks later i get a message on phone machine saying there going to cancel me since they recieved no payment. I call again and correct address and ask to pay bill over phone via credit card. He tells me the bill and iam shocked!!! He says its $66 a month not the $45 a month i was quoted. I tellem go ahead cancel me then. He then transfers me to someone else and they let me have the $45 a month for 1 year.
Now i agreed to 2 year commitment at $45 a month not $45 then $66 for second year. As far as iam concerned they voided oral contract when they essentially bait & Switched me.When i originally ordered it i asked over and over what the total monthly bill would be and she assured me $45 a month for 2 years. Direct TV wanted $65 a month for about the same equipment.
Has anyone else have this happen or was it some kind of mistake on the part of the sales women? Or was I flat out lied too?

Equipment i get is 1 dual tuner HD DVR one dual tunner SD (no DVR) and one single tunner HD(no DVR). Iam on top 100 silver package.

Now maybe the $66 a month is correct BUT thats not what i was told over and over again. Had i been told $66 i might have went with Direct TV as they has one channel i wanted that Dish doesnt provide at the level iam getting.

I have had Dish for about 5 yrs. I have not had any pricing problems. Some reps are just stupid, but I can't recall any of them lying to me. You need to go to the top @ Dish & complain if you're paying the wrong price. Hope this helps.
did you not sign a form provided by the install tech that indicated you'd be locked in for another 24 months?
Shame on me for not reading every line. But don't you think that business ethics still should have mandated that I was informed before requesting the upgrade? At least give me the opportunity to decide whether it was worth it?
Shame on me for not reading every line. But don't you think that business ethics still should have mandated that I was informed before requesting the upgrade? At least give me the opportunity to decide whether it was worth it?

they promised me my taxes would go down too....i hear it all the time from the guys WE pay to make it happen.

damn liars.

just do your homework before making purchases so you have the power, not THEY.


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