I seem to be stuck on 2.85 GB its been sitting there for awhile... no wait just went up to 2.86 Phew!
I seem to be stuck on 2.85 GB its been sitting there for awhile... no wait just went up to 2.86 Phew!
Blah I just tried playing video on one screen while video is playing on the other and the sound only comes out the TV. It would be cool if the laptop played the audio on its screen and the second screen played the audio for its screen.
The new 2014 galaxy note 10.1 is a 64bit quad core processor.
Here is a link to some of the rumored specs
I'm about 20-25 minutes from finishing my Mavericks download. It's a pretty big download at 5.29 GB on my Air. I'm putting it on the Air first since that's "my" Mac. After playing with it for a week or so I'll update the Mini downstairs and give the Family a brief "here's what new" spiel...
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