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Apple IPAD Owner's Thread | Page 12 | SatelliteGuys.US

Apple IPAD Owner's Thread

Some people were interested in saving lots of money on buying an ipad- Here's an interesting auction for them. It has a new and different business model on bidding.

Apple iPad 32GB WiFi

I wonder if they are trying to buy a bidding market? The prices seem way too low. It looks like they make their money by charging $.60 per bid. But, they would need to sell the iPads for around $13 to make money (since bid prices go up 1 cent per bid). If they are selling for less than $5 they should be losing money on the deal. Perhaps that is the advertising budget in action to try to build up the site.
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Ok I watched an auction on there. It looks more like a lottery. You have to pay to bid, but when you bid it adds more time to the clock, allowing others to bid too.
mike- that's what I thought it looked like. From their sales angle they can sell an ipad for more than the MSRP but from the winner's angle it is way below MSRP.

I watched for awhile yesterday and saw a guy win the ipad for about $13 but then paid $135 for the bids. ( approximate numbers as I don't recall exact) However, examine the box of all the other bidders who placed multiple bids at $.60 each and the ipad netted over $1000! :)
The bidding ends only when the clock hits 0. As the money spent goes higher, people drop out and eventually the clock hits zero and we have a winner.

BTW- I guess everyone has heard--- 3Million ipads in 80 days and now predicting sales of 12 million in the first year world wide. Sure is a far cry from those who predicted a total flop and only 1000 would be sold in 30 days.
BTW- I guess everyone has heard--- 3Million ipads in 80 days and now predicting sales of 12 million in the first year world wide.
This may need to come with a disclaimer. I've heard that Apple considers a unit "sold" when it is delivered to distribution as opposed to an end user.
This may need to come with a disclaimer. I've heard that Apple considers a unit "sold" when it is delivered to distribution as opposed to an end user.

Well they are billable when they hit the distributor. If it is not bought via an Apple store or online Apple store, Apple cannot tell if it is on the Best Buy shelf or not.

I wonder what percentage of iPads are not sold by Apple.
I think it is safe to say that stores are not hoarding ipads in some secret warehouse somewhere just to pump up the sales numbers from Apple's reports. Places around here are on 2 weeks backorder.

I also read that Apple expects to increase production to 2.5 Million per month to get ready for international sales demand.
Well it is official, I broke down and bought an iPad for the wife. We are syncing all of our data to it as I type. I purchased it with the understanding that I get to use it also. :) We will see how long that lasts.
Well it is official, I broke down and bought an iPad for the wife. We are syncing all of our data to it as I type. I purchased it with the understanding that I get to use it also. :) We will see how long that lasts.

Were you able to pick and choose which apps to sync?
Well they are billable when they hit the distributor.
I don't think any of us much cares about Apple's Accounts Receivable.

Not all "distribution" is retail stores. There are enterprise customers as well as those sold through CDW and the like.

One of the reasons the distinction is important is in the event that you're a developer and wanting to know the size of the market. Fortunately, Apple seems to have been forthcoming about the number of apps downloaded and it is strange that the number was, for a long time, considerably less than the number of iPads "sold".
Apple seems to have been forthcoming about the number of apps downloaded and it is strange that the number was, for a long time, considerably less than the number of iPads "sold".

When was that? I recall from the first weekend of sales the apps sales exploaded with about 6 apps per ipad sold average. Many were free and I have spent just under $50 on apps for mine with Sling player being the most expensive one. Maybe you were meaning to say, $ value of apps compared to $ value of ipads. Then that would be true since apps don't sell for near what ipads do. :)
Dirtydan- There is a popup in the itunes application on your computer where you can check off the apps and podcasts, music etc to sync.
Scott. Just got the Satelliteguys app update for the iPad. Very nice!!!

Only thing that I miss is the Frontpage like on the website. Other than that this is this best app with the best website!!
I downloaded the updated satelliteguys app right when it came out and it is very nice. I agree about the front page. Even if it doesn't come up first I'd still like a way to be able to view the front page on the app.
Loaded it a few minutes ago and this one works great!

I had trouble with the first version but really like this one.

There are still a few bugs in it. Some popups show up in vertical mode when the iPad is in horizontal but that's the only flaw I see so far.

I have to figure out the push feature yet. I registered for it but not sure it is working.
Scott Greczkowski said:
When you get a PM you will get a message on your screen no matter what program your in letting you know you have a PM. :)

Just noticed the new iPad ap doesn't support emoticons.
Flash Sale Popup