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Apple IPAD Owner's Thread | Page 15 | SatelliteGuys.US

Apple IPAD Owner's Thread

Just heard on the radio today that Walmart will be carrying the ipad as of Friday. Wall St analysts are nor predicting 45 million ipads to be sold in 2011.
Mine arrives Monday. My company is 2200 plus people, and public, so our IT policies get more ridiculous every qtr. I'm almost tempted to not touch my company phone or laptop!

So, I needed something for around the house and to take to work with me, for personal things. I don't wanna have to sweat any policies, and I think the iPad is perfect for my situation. I ordered a simple 16gb with wifi, and it'll be used for forum posting, amazon crap, iTunes tv shows (cheaper in HD than downloading them to TiVo), Gmail and Google Reader. I figure this will be fun, and much easier to leave laying around at the house to jump on the net at any time.

I also ordered the Apple case for it that looks like a book cover, and I hope Sling gets an app out soon.
OK today I sold my 64GB PAD to make room for IPAD2 coming soon. Well not that soon but coming to an Apple Store near ya.
Sold it now so I can get as much as I paid for it. Only lost $20.00 for my use since July LOL
iPAD app for sling box was recently released and it works great!

I had to buy it, again but it is worth the $29.99. I also had to upgrade my sling box classic to the ProHD to get full capability from the app. The PQ is stunning compared to the old iphone app and the user interface is far superior as well. If you have a sling box solo or sling box ProHD I suggest you get this app. IT IS ready for prime time!

PS- I also have a sling adapter from DishNetwork on my other DVR the 722 and it's OK but there are a number of bugs with it that should be worked out. The Dish Sling adapter app for ipad is not yet out but you can use theu older one for iphone/ipod in compatibility mode. User function is a bit awkward and the PQ is not good either. Hopefully, when they release the Sling Adapter ipad app it will be as good as the one I got for sling box.

In case anyone was wondering, you can't use the sling box and sling adapter with the same sling access. One is through DishNetwork and the other is through Slingmedia. Both can reside on the same DVR but... why would you do that? :)
Hopefully, Steve will show off the iPAD2 features in January so we will know if waiting for an upgrade is worth it. I'd wait for an LTE version but not so sure the cameras rumored are worth it. I'm ready for a second ipad around the house. :)
It will be interesting to see what they change. Of course current rumors are:

1. Higher resolution screen
2. Flat industrial design (like iphone4)
3. Dual cameras
4. More memory/faster processor

It will be interesting to see what they do.
Here is something that aggravated me a little today. This morning while on my PC I looked up a live video feed from Wrigley Field in Chicago. I was curious about the current weather conditions up there. Neat feed as well, anyway later today I went over to see my mom. While there I cooked some hamburgers on the grill. While sitting on the patio I decided to look at the same video feed using my iPad. After clicking on the link I was prompted to pay 4.99 for the app. This is not a deal breaker with the iPad but, is getting somewhat aggravating.
Tried jail breaking my iPad but it kept crashing at the end. Had to restore it and reinstall all of my APPS and music. I'll wait for the untethered jailbreak to come out.
I've seen a few aps like that with a view once and then you have to buy it. My printer ap was like that. Usually you'll see the warning at the ap store letting you know it is just a preview.
If in the future I decide to purchase an iPad2, will I have to purchase my aps again that I paid for that are on my original iPad?
If in the future I decide to purchase an iPad2, will I have to purchase my aps again that I paid for that are on my original iPad?

You apps are usable on as many iPads as you have tied to your iTunes account. You will be able to have both the iPad and iPad2 with the same apps. This is what I really like about the iOS devices.
Cool! Thanks....I guess I will just have to connect the new iPad to my computer to download the app from iTunes? I just checked on my PC and the apps I paid for using my iPad are not listed.:confused:
obtw the free apps are listed........
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Cool! Thanks....I guess I will just have to connect the new iPad to my computer to download the app from iTunes? I just checked on my PC and the apps I paid for using my iPad are not listed.:confused:
obtw the free apps are listed........

I am assuming that you have synced your iPad since you purchased them. You can also go to the app store and redownload the apps. It will look like you have to purchase again but when you select the app it will say that you have already purchased it and can download again for free.
I have a Dish 722, a Sling Pro-HD and the IPad with the Dish Remote Access application installed.

I can log-in and see and control all aspects ( browse DVR Contents, view Current Schedule Grid with which I can change channels, pause, etc.) of my Dish 722 from the iPad Dish Remote Access, but, for the life of me I cannot produce a TV image of the Dish 722 on my iPad.

What am I doing wrong?

I can login from the web over a PC and view the Dish 722 but no dice with the iPad Remote Access.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

When I bought my wife an ipad, I first backed up mine to be up to date and then activated hers. Everything I had showed up on hers. Now stuff she has can be synced to mine too. The trick to remember is that in itunes on your computer, you need to select what gets sent from your computer to your connected ipad.

The part I'm not sure about is if you delete an ap and then sync, does it remove it from itunes as well? I think it does and then next time you sync the other ipad, I think it would remove it from that one too. With only two devices syncing to the same ipad account, I get confused, lose track of what stays and what gets deleted. I can't image if I had many iOS devices, how do you keep track?

Another issue I have is I may want to keep 30Gb of movies on my ipad which is a 64Gb and my wife may want to keep only 12 Gb of movies on hers, some different, some the same. But her ipad is only a 16Gb. What's the best way to keep track of everything?

One solution I thought would be that your itunes on your computer has everything from all devices synced to that account. Then when you sync a smaller ipad, you need to select only the stuff you want. Not sure if it does this but when you connect the smaller ipad, does it remember what you had before? If you delete from the ipad and resync, will it reinstall it from itunes next time unless you delete it from itunes, it should reinstall it again, right? This gets confusing fast with two, imagine several devices.

Frank, I try to resync my ipad once a week or right after I buy a few apps. I'd do my wife's too but its hard to pry it out of her hands! :)
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