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Apple IPAD Owner's Thread | Page 24 | SatelliteGuys.US

Apple IPAD Owner's Thread

I very rarely run into issues with the lack of flash. But it really depends on what sites you visit. Remember this is not a replacement for your computer. It is a device that you will use to do some of the things you did on your computer, some of the things you did on your phone and some of the things you did on other devices. It is a mix of all of them. It totally changed my home use as I used to always have my work laptop booted up while at home to do my internet browsing. This in turn led to me doing some work in my off time since the computer was on anyway. Now, I rarely boot up the work laptop at all and do all my browsing while at home on the iPad. For me, it was a HUGE change.
Most of the flash I come across is youtube embeds in forums and stuff... and those are iframes that youtube serves at html5 or some other compatible format. No flash isn't as much of a hinderance as you'd expect, just something that's annoying from time to time. I know Don and maybe some others use some remote desktop apps to get around this limitation, they can shed some light on the costs. My primary purpose was to be able to put downloaded comics (basically downloading my physical comic collection) on the device, and I'm able to do that non-jailbreaked with Comic Zeal so hadn't even kept tabs on that stuff.
I use the Skyfire app to look at flash video. Used it the other night to watch something on ESPN3.
The Apple store at Westfarms has them in stock, I purchased 3 of them in the last week for my bosses at work.

The only thing I want to jailbreak mine for is so that I can output everything to my tv. Currently only certain apps output to the tv which sucks. :)

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I have the iPad 2 and the HDMI cable from Apple and it mirrors exactly what is on the iPad in all apps, I've been using it to demo some apps we are working on and its fantastic. Still not sure why they didn't do it for the iPad1 but this guy works great with the 2:

Apple Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (U.S.)
I may try and pick one up on Saturday at the Apple store. I almost tried to get one from Wal Mart today until I called in advance and confirmed with them that their website was lying and that they in fact did NOT have any in stock. I'll be tiffed though if they don't have one in. I'd prefer to just go in and buy one somewhere as opposed to ordering from and hoping they ship one out sometime before the iPad 3 is announced.
yourbeliefs said:
I may try and pick one up on Saturday at the Apple store. I almost tried to get one from Wal Mart today until I called in advance and confirmed with them that their website was lying and that they in fact did NOT have any in stock. I'll be tiffed though if they don't have one in. I'd prefer to just go in and buy one somewhere as opposed to ordering from and hoping they ship one out sometime before the iPad 3 is announced.

They have several of these at my local BB. Haven't gotten one yet. I have the VGA one, as I can use that for teaching and research presentations.

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ddinsm said:
I have the iPad 2 and the HDMI cable from Apple and it mirrors exactly what is on the iPad in all apps, I've been using it to demo some apps we are working on and its fantastic. Still not sure why they didn't do it for the iPad1 but this guy works great with the 2:

Apple Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (U.S.)

I have that adapter, work good on hdmi, however what I am trying to do is use it for regular composite video output so I can display my sling boxes and Netflix on the tv screens in my truck.

Only select apps output video out this way... I want them all to be able to display on the tvs.

Sent from my iPad using The SatelliteGuys app!
The hdmi adapter works great for ipad1 for home theater use. I also have the VGA adapter but it does not do sound. Need to add a stereomini cable for that. Scott- I don't get what you are trying to do as the ipad out to a sling box would work with the A/V breakout cable but how would you control ipad's content from the TV's in your truck? Slingbox needs an IR for control doesn't it? Besides, if you can get sling player in your truck, why do you need netflix from the ipad? Just load Netflix from your truck's browser. Or, better yet, I can now use LTE mobile hotspot and sling HD content or netflix on my ipad in the car. LTE can support two HD sling players simultaneously without buffering.
The HDMI adapter you use for the iPad 1 is the original from Apple? Not an off brand? I have read several reviews on how the Apple hdmi adapter does not support the iPad 1 but only the iPad 2.
How is the pq on your big screen as I was going to use as the same. Have you found any apps that it does not support from iPad to tv?
There used to be a list of what the ipad1 adapter combo supports. Not sure where that is but basically, consider any video and still photo ( slide show included) with or without sound can display on your hdmi tv. The major difference is that with ipad2 you can display the entire ipad2 screen and then if you wish to just see the video, simply expand the ipad2 window to full screen. In ipad1 you never get to see the ipad1 screen on the TV, just the slide show or video full screen. In my Home theater, I have the adapter connected to a hdmi cable to reach from my couch to my AVR's front panel hdmi jack. For home theater, ipad 1 works fine. For presentation and training, I'd think the need to see the ipad2 screen on display is more important.

PQ looks good and is great for stuff like Youtube video which is the only way I can easily watch youtube on my 110" screen. ( I could access with PS3 but that is complicated; ipad is much easier ) The quality is fine but varies as does all stuff with YouTube. Netflix, on the other hand is very consistent and equals my Netflix on the Xbox360 or OPPO. Netflix on the PS3 has more capability in audio and PQ.

The adapter also has a way to plug in a power supply but so far I have not had a need as the battery life on the ipad is more than enough for an evening of ipad/HT viewing. I did test it, however, and that too works the same as ipad2 use.

Hope that helps.
Well, the Ipad case came in today...still not sure why he mailed it in two separate mailings, but oh well.
Should get the pad tomorrow.
iPad compatible with You Tube 3D?

I was playing around last evening with the hdmi adapter and discovered something missing from the YouTube standards. 3D !

No way could I get any 3D YT videos to play because the usual 3D options were missing. Could someone with an ipad2 check this out.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys app
I picked up an iPad2 in mid-March and used it for a month before selling it on ebay for more than I paid (including tax). From the beginning I thought I could look past it's shortcomings such as lack of flash but it's just typical Apple and I couldn't take it anymore. At first it was a neat device but it didn't take long before it started to bother me the more I used it until I finally decided enough is enough. I really wasn't impressed by the app store either with the lack of good, free apps like the Android Market has available.

I really don't miss it at all and Steve Jobs still sucks. :D
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iPad compatible with You Tube 3D?

I was playing around last evening with the hdmi adapter and discovered something missing from the YouTube standards. 3D !

No way could I get any 3D YT videos to play because the usual 3D options were missing. Could someone with an ipad2 check this out.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys app

Not even familiar with YT 3D, post a link and I'll try.
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