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Apple IPAD Owner's Thread | Page 38 | SatelliteGuys.US

Apple IPAD Owner's Thread

Don Landis said:
Mike- How do you rest your hand when writing? Seems that could be a problem. Do you have to write like waving a magic wand or conducting an orchestra?

I rarely have a problem when using the stylus. Plus the app I use the most Upad has a cool entry area for writing.

I write normally. Just hold it like a pen.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
One more thing on the stylus. The app I am using with it most of the time, UPad -- has a pen rest area. I took notes at a Academic Senate meeting last night for an hour and it worked like a charm.

Speaking of which, I was able to then take my hand-written notes and export them to a PDF to my Dropbox. Perfectly readable, and easy to document.

I have developed a workflow where I keep all of my materials for different projects in separate databases in a mac program called DevonThink Pro Office. Its an information manager plus much much more. Anyways, I have an Academic Senate database, with folders for Minutes, Agenda, Documents, Notes. (Last night's iPad notes from UPad got put in). I dump the relevant word and PDF files into the database and they are instantly available on my computer. THEN I tell it to sync with the iPad, and I have the entire database available for me to use on the iPad, and don't need the laptop for actual meetings.
Very interesting, Mike. Does your app have a built in OCR?

This one doesn't, but I can OCR when I get it to the mac if I need to. But since these are just notes, the hand-written stuff is still fine.

It helps that I have DevonThink to tie it all together in a meaningful package. As a PC user I always looked for a program that does what DT does, and the closest I ever found was askSam, a free text database that I have used on and off since 1994 (and which has not been updated in THREE years, and by all measures appears dead), but DT runs circles around it. I have a class database with all of my lectures notes (both word/rtf files and powerpoints) and even class spreadsheets, all in DT, and I can choose which stuff I want to sync to the iPad.
You know what- I just had this idea. You are so full of knowledge on different ways to streamline your life using these different tools, you really need to write a book on it. Yeah, I know books on stuff like this are quickly outdated. But, maybe you can invent a new technology way to get digital updates to the book as a subscription service. Use the book to hook your following and the subscription to generate continued income. ( The Gillette razor blade business model )
You know what- I just had this idea. You are so full of knowledge on different ways to streamline your life using these different tools, you really need to write a book on it. Yeah, I know books on stuff like this are quickly outdated. But, maybe you can invent a new technology way to get digital updates to the book as a subscription service. Use the book to hook your following and the subscription to generate continued income. ( The Gillette razor blade business model )

:) I have thought about it. Not sure I have enough content for a book though. I do intend to write a series of blogs on these tools, and how they work for me. I wish for the broader readership that Devonthink was cross-platform though, as it really is one of those gems that you have to invest in the Apple ecosystem to be able to use -- but it is so worth it. And for me, it is turning into the killer app.

Definitely stuff to think about. :D
As an aside, has logitech keyboard with case for the ipad 2 on sale today for $50. That's about 50% off the regular price, and it seems to have got a bunch of good reviews.


Sent from my iPad2 using SatelliteGuys super sexy app
Another testament to the power and utility of the iPad. Used it to take 12 pages of notes (hand-written and typed using UPad) in a 7 hour board meeting today. Started the meeting at 94% battery, ended at 55%. And UPad stayed on most of the time. Serious battery power, and total ease of note-taking. My macbook pro could have only gone for about 4 hours. While I had my New Trent External battery in my bag for the iPad (I truly was not sure how much juice I would use in such a long meeting), I never had to take it out.
Well, we are now officially a 2 iPad-household. I bought my wife a 16GB Wifi (Black) iPad 2 for her birthday. SHe won't get it until Tuesday, and I THINK she will be surprised. She sort of hinted, but refused to spend the money herself, but if I spend it, she'll be ok with it. I know she is going to really love it. She has been using the Galaxy Tab, and has been increasingly frustrated with it.

And indeed, I am too, in that $600 was spent on a device that barely lasted eight months in the house. One of the problems of being an early Adopter, I guess. I'll probably just sell the darn thing.
meStevo said:
Is there a way to disable the autoscroll to the top when you tap the top of the screen? I have never done it on purpose.

Hmmm. I have had an iPad for six months and did not even know that did that. Learn something new every day. No idea if you can disable it.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
Well, my wife is VERY happy with her new iPad. We need to go buy her a leather case for it (she wants to have a portfolio for it, rather than a plastic shield for the back and smart cover), but I have it all setup. Was able to selectively install all the apps I thought she'd use, and setup all of her credentials.

And to make the day better, I've got a buyer for the Galaxy Tab. :)
We need to go buy her a leather case for it (she wants to have a portfolio for it,

Last time I went shopping with my wife for another new purse, she got so frustrated with my suggestions for practical this and that that I went off to another part of the store. We were in Steinmart which is mostly women's clothes. Surprise for me! I found a gadget I've been casually looking for for a long time-- a digital luggage scales on sale for $10 that I can keep in my suitcase. When I met up with her she was pleased I found something too, so much so, that she then felt justified to buy two new purses.
I will be selling my 32GB WIFI iPad 1 shortly as I now only use the iPad2 and the iPad 1 is just sitting here unused. :) Will be looking for $325 for it which includes the leather case. (Just got to find the AC Charger and another charger cable then wipe it and load it up for its new owner. :))
rockymtnhigh said:
Well, my wife is VERY happy with her new iPad. We need to go buy her a leather case for it (she wants to have a portfolio for it, rather than a plastic shield for the back and smart cover), but I have it all setup. Was able to selectively install all the apps I thought she'd use, and setup all of her credentials.

And to make the day better, I've got a buyer for the Galaxy Tab. :)

I recommend a Speck FitFolio. Great case.

Sent from my iPad 2 using the SatelliteGuys App
Scott Greczkowski said:
I will be selling my 32GB WIFI iPad 1 shortly as I now only use the iPad2 and the iPad 1 is just sitting here unused. :) Will be looking for $325 for it which includes the leather case. (Just got to find the AC Charger and another charger cable then wipe it and load it up for its new owner. :))
Have you looked into Gazelle?

You may have trouble with asking $325, though, as Apple is selling refurbished 32GB iPads for $399 which includes a one year warranty.

What would be cool would be a Home Theater app that would take your iPad and let you turn it into a controller.

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