txdude said:T2k,
I'm not sure whether you are serious or just trying to be funny, but reading your response sure gave me a good chuckle :haha
Ignorance is blessed, kid.
"superior CPU architecture".... suuuuure... LOL!
txdude said:T2k,
I'm not sure whether you are serious or just trying to be funny, but reading your response sure gave me a good chuckle :haha
Scotty said:Apple is making a big push for HD! The iMovie consumer movie editing software that comes with every mac and with the iLife suite software package for older macs, can now edit movies in HD! At the recent MacWorld convention last January, apple had Sony president on stage touting their prosumer HD video recorder/camera (~$3250 at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00068JKR0/ref=pd_luc_mri/103-4401501-0442209?v=glance&s=photo&me=ATVPDKIKX0DER&st=* )
and they declared this year the year of HD for Apple!
txdude said:As someone who works in the IT industry and has experience with maintaining a very mixed environment of Server/Desktop platforms its hard to believe that anyone who knows much about computers could make the arguments that he makes. Even the most anti-Mac people that I do know in the industry will admit that Apple makes nice & powerful hardware even if they don't like the shiny, lickable OSX.
I'm pretty well rounded when it comes to computers.
I'm posting this from my Debian Linux based Sony VAIO notebook (Which I just got wlan working on ) I also have a Dell Inspiron notebook with Windows XP, a home built PC with Gentoo Linux, a PowerBook G4 running Yellow Dog Linux, and a brand new PowerMac G5 running OSX.
andrzej said:T2k,
I am wondering, why you are so passionately negative about Apple? Your several posts in this thread trash Apple with lots of exclamation marks and bold font. You seem to be an expert on computer technology but, you still use Apple computers. Why?
shanewalker said:I'm also laughing about T2K's 'dvd-writer' and 'Xerox' comments. If you aren't familiar with professional DVD authoring, make note that Sonic Solutions DVD Creator was THE professional authoring workstation that created almost if not all of the first few years of Hollywood titles now sitting in your collection.
And you might recognize the name Avid. These systems were based on the Mac platform.
And the Xerox Parc comment. Apple PAID for use of the concepts in the building of the original Mac OS (in 1983) that Jobs and team immediately recognized as the future of personal computing. What monies did Microsoft offer Apple for ripping off their fully developed OS under the guise 'Windows' (o.k., besides the 1998 bail-out money )? Puh-leez. Apple may be "the little guy" but its no accident that they're the one everyone attempts to imitate at every turn.
Just look at the feature set on Longhorn.
Look at all the iPod rip-offs.
The way colored plastics entered the consumer markets after the original iMac. Did you SEE the Intel concept PC they showed a month ago...it was a Mac Mini with two grooves crossing the chassis.
In short, Apple has pull in not only the computer but now the consumer electronics industry.
They created the concept of the personal computer and now might help usher in a new manner of broadcasting HD. I'm excited because they have a track record heavy with hits and things that actually work...
Flame on. Or better yet, can we get some follow up data on this rumor and lose the stale Mac/PC wars?
P.S. I've used many machines/platforms and spend my days in front of an SGI Irix workstation.
GreatMac said:Gee, I actually run a business that deals with image manipulation.
Yep, for the money, the Apple monitors ARE the best,
and I have seen most of the competition.
And yes, Apple makes the boxes that run the monitors too, and they do a better job in this field than MS
Maybe because it is better..... Take a look at Voom. :clap
P.S. I also have a dedicated MCE 2005 box (3.4 P4, ATI 9800 PRO) running 24/7 and serving all my HT needs, including as an SD DVR for Voom. For HT, currently it is hard to beat MS's MCE for convinience and ease. So, use what works best for the task
You got to get out more often, man :haha
T2k said:You're pretty much out of sync, pal: Sony's camera was available since November and it's only 1080i, no progressive whatsoever. So no 24p, no 30p - 3 CCDs are nice but that's it.
Wait a week and you'll meet JVC's new JY-HD100: 24p, 3CCDs. 720p, interchangeable lens system etc.
Later this year they also will release the first 1080p one - so much for Sony and interlace...
Here is the new JVC: http://img162.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img162&image=prohd8ws.jpg
Lobstah said:Well.
Isn't THIS just an exciting thread
I agree with the poster who said they never thought they'd see the Apple/PC wars here on Sat guys... LOL
Anyway. For a bit more history, you might want to dig out the reprints of the letters that Gates wrote to Jobs after Billy had written his spreadsheet program (the roots of Excel) and was looking for a platform to partner with. He told Jobs that his platform was fantastic, but that they only way that Apple could meet the demand would be to license the manufacturing rights to companies like Digital Equipment, Data General and a few others.
Apple's engineers essentially blew him off, saying they would NEVER license their technology to ANYONE.
Gates turned out to be right, and the IBM pc "clone" ran away with all the prizes
That single thing had a pretty tremendous impact, doncha think? LOL
If Apple hadn't been so pig-headed and snobby back then, who knows? People could have been snarling at Jobs, complaining about the lack of competition, and posting in forums about how Windoze is EVERY BIT AS GOOD AS MAC/OS! LOL
Anyway, not sure what this has to do with VOOM and their business, but it's a nice little sideshow
Scotty said:Out of sync? I didn't say they introduced the camera at MacWorld in Jan, just that sony president was there touting it along with Jobs HD announcements. The news is that apple is embracing HD in a big way this year, not that sony has the best camera on the planet. And since when is progessive considered the only true def of HD? There are 17 formats in the HD standards, and 1080i is a big part of that! 720p is great for sports, 1080i is higher res that is great for less action intensive video. Half the tv's out there, plasma and lcd, can't even handle 1080i, and display at much less lines of res.
Are you trolling or what?
Lobstah said:Oh...so we can only add positive things here? lol
"While the myriad of uncontrolled licensee's out there make upgrading a pc with a new video card or dvd burner a day long activity and an excercise in frustration"
Maybe it takes YOU that long...but I've never spend a day installing ANYTHING on a pc. Maybe you had trouble with the "two-button mouse" concept? j/k
Wireless? Yup...both b and g worked with plugnplay on my Win2000 laptop, no problems here, either.
As for security, Apple has had it's share of hacks too...they just don't get publicized as well, probably because they don't have anywhere near the impact.
Hmmmmmmmm... Why IS that?
C'mon...you can say it We all know the answer...
MarcelV said:Am I still here on satelliteguys, or did I get redirected to macrumors, macintouch, macminute or even engadget? Seems to me the same discussion (over and over), PC vs. Mac. Luckily we have a choice, so can we now get back on what this thread started about, Apple's HDVN? Will Voom be involved. Who knows....
But I remember to have read Voom chose MPEG4 h.264 over WM9. (Will try to locate that article, don't remeber where I read it)
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