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As a Top Tier Customer....... | SatelliteGuys.US

As a Top Tier Customer.......

Frank Jr.

Beati pacifici 5:9
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 8, 2004
Columbia S.C.
Well let me put this as civilly and simply as I can. The amount of the recent last increase on me and other top tier subs was not welcome. The amount was the issue. Dish found a way to increase my bill some and give me some credits toward another increase which those credits expires in July and AGAIN pull another increase? I can not appropriately express how I am feeling right now in this forum. If I would say what I want to say I wouldn't just get some demerits, I would be banned for a lifetime. Scott I thank you for your information but it sounds like Dish is expecting the top tier subs to pay for this marketing mess. I posted some time ago I can go to TWC and save almost 50 bucks a month and thats before my credits expire. Directv advocates do not rejoice in this. This is giving satellite tv a bad name. I have a message for the folks in the ivory towers that make these decisions. :rant:

I hear you, being so busy I have put off my decision to cancel.

I learned years ago when I dont know what to do doing nothing is probably he best move.

scott had tried to reassure there were no more price increases coming, I now see my contacts who predicted more increases were right.

I am looking at tv over internet combined with buying some shows on DVD, and a OTA digital recorder.

might get a tivo, whatever the future holds its not E
Bob, I am so sorry but this time I am on your side. Folks if you want the inside scoop become a Pub Member or just wait and see.............................
Bob, I am so sorry but this time I am on your side. Folks if you want the inside scoop become a Pub Member or just wait and see.............................

Thanks for the follow up post Frank. I hadn't been to the Pub in a while tonight so initially I had no idea what you were talking about. Dish's new motto should be: "one step forward, a half dozen steps back."
I am not a doom sayer. I am not trying to sell you on a Pub Membership here at SatelliteGuy.US. But if you want to hear what is going on behind the scenes and want to be the first to be informed.....Sometimes it maybe better not to know. I have been a long time customer of Dish but this last load of poopoo has really made me mad. If you just want the lowest tier basic package you will be ok. If you want something more from Dish, they have a hot poker for you, ready and waiting. As a long time customer I would really love to promote Dish, at present I can not. I am really peeved.
On February 1st dish network dramatically increased the cost of addition receiver(s) on an account starting on February 1st 2010 (not the 1st receiver). They issued a minor credit for 6 months for those customers bills who went up by a lot.
If any Dish employee/rep wants to try to post and defend this recent round of marketing bs, please do so. I promiss you will lose. Shame......I am not trying to promote Directv. This bs by Dish is hurting both and giving cable a big hello........ (Warning to some. I am not a staff member of SatelliteGuys, I do not represent this site and I am less restrained as they might be. This last round of bs by Dish has p****d this old guy off!) Try and defend this mess if you dare......................;)
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I checked into Directv for information just to see what they would offer me. They would only waive the fee for 1 HD DVR. I need 2. The second one would be $199, and they would not budge, not even a supervisor. They had rather lose business than budge on giving you a 2nd HD DVR or even a discount on one.
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That should not shock you. If available call cable. Sounds like the two sat companies are putting their heads together. Either way that issue doesn't defend what is allegedly about to happen to the so called high tier customers of Dish...
To be honest we got so much information in last night from so many sources I don't know whats what. I just passed along the information I received.

Yes it does sound like Premiums are going up if you have more than 2 Premium Channels. The price is increasing by $2.

I haven't figured out what (if anything) is going up for the American Packages...

The big increase seems to be coming on the international front.

I am going to wait and see what they announce today at Team Summit to find out whats going on.
That's one! Come on Dish you can do better than that.........

I took up TWC on a offer last fall and am saving over $50 month guaranteed for two years and no commitment on my part, plus ended up getting MSG-HD, Yes-HD, MLB-HD, along with a ton of VOD. Both Dish and Directv need to rethink their pricing and channel offerings.
Everybody take a deep breath, especially Frank Jr. Let's wait for clarification. Scott, couldn't this have waited till you got more info instead of rumored rumors????????
Well looks like I will be dropping Showtime , the second premium. Already saw a $4.00 increase using the 922 dvr. Don't want to see another one this close. Once a year increase I expect , but not twice.
Charlie get at least one hand out of my pocket!! You cant have ALL MY MONEY!!

E started out to save us from evil cable and is now WORSE than what cable ever was!
I have to say that I am shocked to hear you guys say TWC is cheaper than either satellite company. Cox is outrageous! Almost $100 for what will cost me $68.99 with Dish.

Guess I should find out what the Pub is & see the rumors before I officially sign on the dotted line for anything.

Thanks for the heads-up!

For me, my bill will be going down $10/month because soon I no longer have to pay extra for HD. The extra fees did not effect me either, because, like no doubt most Dish customers, I have but one HD duo DVR.

So I say, thank you Charlie.

And Bob, clearly you have not had cable for a long time.
I checked into Directv for sheets and giggles just to see what they would offer me. They would only waive the fee for 1 HD DVR. I need 2. The second one would be $199, and they would not budge, not even a supervisor. They had rather lose business than budge on giving you a 2nd HD DVR or even a discount on one.

Really? I just switched from Dish to Direct and got one HD DVR free and the second for $99. I was even able to configure that on the website without talking to anyone.
what qualifies a top tier customer?

i am on top 250 with platinum HD and center ice package. im not going to get stiffed am i?

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