Some of the recent rumors have indicated that the spin-off deal will be for all of AT&T's cable TV services, even including AT&T TV. That surprises me but maybe it's necessary since all three services rely on the same set of underlying network carriage contracts.
At any rate, it makes no sense to me for AT&T to include Uverse TV in the deal but not AT&T TV. Uverse TV has now been deprecated and is just in maintenance mode. It will eventually be shut down, it's just a matter of how much longer. Why would anyone want it? All Uverse TV customers are also AT&T Internet/Fiber customers. Even for those on slower FTTN connections, if it's fast enough to support Uverse TV, then it should also be fast enough to support AT&T TV (which needs 8 Mbps per screen for optimal HD quality).
So I don't know why AT&T doesn't just tell all their Uverse TV subs that the service will be shutting down in 6 months or so and offer incentives for them to switch over to AT&T TV. If they really wanted to hang onto them as cable TV customers, they could just waive the 2-yr contract on AT&T TV for any Uverse TV sub who had already fulfilled that service's contract.
Uverse TV customers would seem like the lowest hanging fruit for conversion to AT&T TV if the company is serious about growing that service's subscriber base. But at this point, I'm not sure if they really care about much in terms of video other than HBO Max...