Stuff that came to fruitionAnd that relates to this how?
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Stuff that came to fruitionAnd that relates to this how?
They would want this, but we the customers lose. Why. you have to use broad band to us them. guess what now you pay extra for that. and alot of cable providers are starting to put data limits. So work it all out. so we pay and they save millions. imagine that and everyone one else has data limits . and that is everyone. AT&T check it out. and the date you would need is about 25ms. for each box . so if you have 4 tv and 4 movies going at a time you could use 8 gigs in 2 hours. do the math.. lots of money real fast... Enjoy
This thread seems to have a lot of people who don't want to move forward with technology.VoIP is the future and will lead to better choices and better picture quality. Satellite won't go away but will just fade back with old fashioned telephone lines. The new generation will embrace new technology while the old stogies will cling to the past and resist change
True..but what also may happen is that rather than run fiber to the home..they will run fiber to a wifi hotspot..much cheaper..also may allow cellphones access to that Hotspot and call it 5g...It's not that, it's about being realistic in the deployment of it. 5G wireless is not deployed in any form yet and only has been lab tested. While it may be viable in the future until any massive rollout or real field trials are conducted, it's all just speculation at this point. I do believe feild trials are happening now so more info my come out soon.
Didn't Sprint try that with WiMax and then killed it a year later.True..but what also may happen is that rather than run fiber to the home..they will run fiber to a wifi hotspot..much cheaper..also may allow cellphones access to that Hotspot and call it 5g...
Sent from my SM-G920V using the SatelliteGuys app!
Hence 5g different standardDidn't Sprint try that with WiMax and then killed it a year later.
We don't have nearly enough bandwidth to do voip or streaming. Data caps and just lack of speed.
How many years out are we from widespread 5g. They are still trying to roll out 4g LTE
I know Verizon is installing something similar in Boston right now..verizon and att have the backbone to support higher download speeds.its the future but it's also happening nowHow many years out are we from widespread 5g. They are still trying to roll out 4g LTE
CDMA has to be killed off first. How far away is Verizon from doing that?I know Verizon is installing something similar in Boston right now..verizon and att have the backbone to support higher download speeds.its the future but it's also happening now
Sent from my SM-G920V using the SatelliteGuys app!
It has been in many areas..on 4g..not 3g yetCDMA has to be killed off first. How far away is Verizon from doing that?
Didn't they buy DTV so they can get UVerseTV off of their lines and free up bandwidth? DTV Now would just add to the bandwidth again if it was their primary TV services. Plus I think I read that it also has HD streams like UVerseTV and the current limit will be two when DTV Now launches. Also what would the HD quality be? I read that the PlayStation Vue is 720p. I think using DTV Now for rain/snow fade backup would be cool.
See I have gotten the opposite reaction. I wont say it is better, but I have found vue to be at least as good or comparable to Dish or Directv on pq using the Fire tv box.I tried Vue for a day, and sent the PS4 back. PQ was WAY worse than Directv on every channel I tried.
Dunno, all I know is I tuned the PS4 and genie to the same channels and swapped back and forth it wasn't even close. Maybe the PS4 sucks...
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