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AT&T will cap DSL and U-Verse internet, impose overage fees (update) | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

AT&T will cap DSL and U-Verse internet, impose overage fees (update)

Currently this is what I get....

"My Usage Details
AT&T is not able to capture usage data on all of its customers. Customers whose usage is not available for viewing should not be concerned about their usage patterns for billing purposes.

To learn more about how to manage your usage, please visit"
I disagree...250GB is more than enough bandwidth. If customers are going to stream, then they're going to pay for sucking-up all these resources. Additionally, it's not fair that Cable and Telco customers pay cable franchise fees (heck, AT&T U-Verse is IPTV-based) when others (Netflix, Hulu, Dish/SATS, DirecTV and others) are getting a free pass. The way I see it...if you're going to stream video then you should pay for the bandwidth in addition to local taxes/franchise fees; both D* and E* are a free to provide video to customer via satellite transponders, but they should have to pay cable franchise fees for streaming subscription-based video to their customers. Usage tiers are fair (IMO). Also, lift the local taxes/franchise fees from Cable/Telcos or require D*, E* and other subscription video sources (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) to pay these fees.

... and I am saying for the cost per month right now 250 GB is not even AND they should be FORCED to stop marketing this as UNLIMITED.. I am almost sure that the vast majority of users would disagree with your assessment that they can easily and always get by with 250GB and should be forking over more money.
I do not agree with riff, sorry guy. For those using their connection for a business and are using huge amounts, well ok, they should have a business account and be charged accordingly. Charge them if you must, not me........ With that said I have no idea what my house uses, but lets just say that I was real close to the cap imposed on me and some BS advertising tracking cookie or some alleged necessary update just barely puts me over the top? Who pays? Don't compare me to some that hardly ever use their internet, or the ones who download a lot more for personal use as an excuse to impose those cap limitations on me. Put the cap fees on large upload not download.
Obtw who is going to regulate all this bandwidth usage metering.. When was the last time you saw someone checking the accuracy of your home electric and or gas meter at your home, or the gasoline pump you use. That opens another can of worms.......​
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I just hope that they lose so many subs over the bandwidth caps that other providers think twice about putting them in. I suspect though that most customers will not do anything about it and other companies will try to go along with caps.
mike123abc said:
I just hope that they lose so many subs over the bandwidth caps that other providers think twice about putting them in. I suspect though that most customers will not do anything about it and other companies will try to go along with caps.
Unfortunately, my AT&T DSL is going to stay unless Comcast changes their pricing model. Same thing with Uverse (not available in my area yet): I'm keeping my Dish Network no matter what.

The only other options for high-speed Internet are a 4G wireless service (again, not yet available where I live) or paying to trench fiberoptic cables over two miles.

I received the AT&T DSL cap e-mail and checked my home's usage over the last two months. 15-17 GB per month, with under 2GB uploaded (mostly FAH results and pictures to MobileMe). I'm feeling okay with this 150 GB cap at the moment.
If AT&T were being competative they would do something like:

$10/month DSL at max available speed to your house. 50GB included, $10 for each additional 50GB. So, essentially $50 is 250GB which like like comcast. Low use subs would have a much lower bill.

But, it is not about data hogs, it is about maximizing revenue. So, you do not lower the base rate, instead just charge more to high end users - knowing that data usage keeps going up. Today only 2% may hit the cap, in a few years it could be 20-50% as more watch streaming TV. Note the cap is higher on Uverse accounts - since they probably figure they stream less since they have Uverse.
I have had AT&T high speed DSL since last November/December,but I also still have Charter Broadband Internet(never got around to canceling them yet,now with AT&T's usage caps coming,it seems like a good idea to keep them). What I have done is that my house has 3 PC's,1 laptop,& my Mac online. So,I'm running those on AT&T along with internet hookup to my DIRECTV receivers. I set up a MoCA connection with my Charter Broadband connection & I'm running Sky Angel,Vonage(with XBOX360 linked up to it),Apple TV,Blockbuster box,Roku(with Netflix,Amazon Online,MLB.TV,& NHL Gametime),& VUDU box. As far as Charter goes,they sold our local services to CoBridge(who,because their owners are former Charter workers,most likely have a usage cap like Charter,but i haven't heard anything about that yet),who then sold our local services to Knology. Knology will most likely take over in April-May,& I'm not sure if they have usage caps.
I believe that usage caps achieve 2 objectives,1: it allows for DSL & Cable internet providers to make more money on customers' computer use.2: the big reason,behavior modification. How many people already,because of usage caps,plan on rationing their use of Netflix,VUDU,MLB.TV,& other online streaming services? Whether it was legal or not,look at the threat ivi tv posed to the status quo & how fast they moved to stamp it out. Watch Netflix's stock & subscriptions fall because of usage caps. I wonder,how does ESPN3 figure into all of this? Because it is carried by AT&T & various cable companies,will streaming it go toward the usage cap,or is it just services like Netflix that compete with the respective cable providers that will be measured for bandwidth usage? Will Netflix have to sign agreements with ISPs to carry it & exempt it from usage caps? How about Sky Angel,is this the end of IPTV?
I just received this in an email from AT&T. :confused: About the only thing I get out of this is that if u-verse is in my area which it is not, they can cancel my DSL and try and force me to use their u-verse as my isp. I guess in a vain attempt to get me to change my tv provider as well? Not going to happen. The change in email makes no sense to me. If I click on their link for data usage I still get what I posted earlier. What do you think?
"Important Updates to your AT&T Internet
Terms of Service
Dear AT&T Internet Service Customer:

We are updating the AT&T High Speed Internet Terms of Service. We are making these changes to provide greater clarity around the terms of your service and to help us deliver a consistent, high-quality service experience for all of our customers.

We've reinforced this notice with additional links providing answers to frequently asked questions. Of course, we are ready and available to answer any questions you may have and to discuss individual account needs or concerns.

Here's a summary of the updates:
• Introduction Revision: We have added email as a separate service because
we now offer customers without our high speed Internet service the ability to have n email.
• Changes to this Agreement: We have changed the acceptance provision so that
you are now deemed to have accepted the changes to the agreement after the
30 day notice has passed, rather than immediately after receipt.
• AT&T High Speed Internet Service: We have moved the speed tiers to a link
within the agreement, AT&T - Speed Tiers for easy reference.
• Service Availability: We have added language to clarify that service is not
available in all areas, and may not be available at certain speeds (or at all) at
some locations.
• Service/Site Changes: We have added language stating that AT&T may need to
modify or discontinue your service, either temporarily or permanently.
• Conversion from DSL to U-verse High Speed Internet: We have added
language to this agreement that will allow us to convert customers from our DSL
network to the AT&T U-verse High Speed network, where available.
• Usage: We've added a link at where customers can
go to get information about AT&T's data usage policy and managing their data
• Dial-up Access Options and Toll Charges: We have added language to clarify
specific charges that may be incurred. Such charges are your responsibility to pay.
• Collection Agency Fees: We have added language that you are responsible for
paying collection agency fees AT&T incurs when recovering any money owed to us.
• Email and Termination or Cancellation of Service: We have added language
explaining that you will keep your email address if you choose to terminate service.
• Abusive Treatment: We have added language that allows AT&T to terminate the
service of customers who repeatedly harass or abuse our employees.
• Equipment & Software: We have added language to address U-verse equipment
that is not owned by the customer, and needs to be returned after termination of
• Restrictions on Use & Network Management: We have added language
to make clear that the AT&T Acceptable Use Policy is incorporated into the terms
of service. Also, to protect our network from harm and to help us ensure a high
quality Internet experience for all of our customers, we have added language
about reasonable network management practices that AT&T may adopt. We will
provide you with advance notice and details if we implement new network
management practices that directly impact your service.
• Content: We have added language about mobile data charges for forwarding
content from the web site to a mobile device.We encourage you to review the revised terms and acceptable use policy. Please visit:
AT&T - Terms of Service
AT&T Acceptable Use Policy| Acceptable Use Policy| AT&T
Please note, that by continuing to use the Service, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms of Service document.
Visit our online support site at for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Thank you for being an AT&T Internet member. We are happy to have you as part of our online community and look forward to continuing to serve your Internet needs.

Your AT&T Internet Service Customer Care Team"
AT&T is about to "P" me off. I can cancil my home phone landline and internet, go with TWC for all of it with the exception Dish of course. Heck I could change that as well, but love my 722k's.:D
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Just as I predicted several months ago..... I brought this up several months ago that the cable and DSL providers where going to start capping bandwith when the articles started appearing on the internet showing several people who think they found a way around paying for cable television service by downloading everything off the internet.

Just goes to show that nothing is free, and the people who though they where saving money by not paying the cable companies are going to pay for it in excess bandwith.

The next thing we are going to see is all the other internet providers put the same policies in place.

After AT&T is done pissing off the Top 2% of customers who go over the cap, they will lower the threshold in an attempt to get people on higher priced plans
Carol and I don't download movies from the internet so the caps may not effect me, but enough is enough! Only thing not going up is my income. Screw all this stuff.....I need my roof, electricity and food on the table. If our country keeps going in it's current direction we all could wind up living in a third world country, without........
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I love it when ppl complain about a 150GB a month cap? What's the charge for the standard DSL service to begin with, like $20 a month? I WISH! Neither DSL nor Cable are available to me so that doesn't leave me many choices.

So I'm stuck with but lucky enough to have an nTelos 3G data card for my internet service that costs me $43 a month for unlimited service, for now. I got this service 2 years ago when they first came out with it. Now they have two plans, one of which is a 5GB limit for $43 and the other is a 10GB limit for $53 a month. Having said that, I'm holding my breath waiting for the hammer to drop as last month I pulled down over 33GB on my unlimited plan that no longer exists. The only streaming online that I do is about an hour a day on a crappy connection to Fox News through WWi TV with video that is less than desirable. Last month I do think that I downloaded a couple of movies that were in the 1.2GB range but that was about it. The rest of that was day to day stuff that my Wife and I do online.

And incidently, Virgin Mobile had an unlimited 3G plan back about 3 months ago with no contract. Went on their site last week and now they DO NOT have that unlimited plan and are capping @ 2.5GB after which they cut your speed to 256k for the rest of the month!! NOT WHAT I CALL A GOOD DEAL! As far as I know NONE of the 3G data cards are available now with unlimited service. Sprint, AT&T and Verizon all have 5GB caps so the others probably do also.

Anyway, be careful what you bitch about cuz things could be MUCH worse than that 150GB cap.
When summer hits, I will go over 150GB. Streaming baseball on my PS3 for several hours each day and watching movies through it as well (since everything on TV is a repeat), I will easily go over. I am paying $100 for MLB.TV and pay for which ever movie I stream, so I am not attempting to get things for free. If my provider tried this crap I will not only be pissed off, I will switch providers
There's so many changes coming and "already arrived" in the world of communications. Some good, some not so "consumer friendly." Its scary. And, the only real way to show that our nation is not a bunch of "okay, we'll put up with it" kind of people is to send (snail/electronic) complaints to the companies imposing the policies you don't like, and to your legislators, or to the FCC (if they regulate the issue at hand. ) Do it repeatedly if you must, but get their collective attention, and get them off their collective duffs!

Even in broadcasting, things are changing too rapidly in policy making. The door has recently been opened that could restrict the refusal of minority's advertising in radio and TV, even if in another language. New disclosures are required in all broadcasts sales as of last week. Yet staffs at local stations may not know what truly IS being broadcast if such advertising is mandated to be accepted, and owners could lose english-speaking business as other advertisers and listeners get angry over a policy that is not the fault of station owners.

Another example? All broadcasters, by September of this year....(and other electronic communications) are being forced to buy new equipment at a rather high price tag due to a government mandate to participate in a new update of the Emergency Alert System, and at their (our) own cost.......yet the government bought TV converter boxes for everyone from welfare to the rich! I didn't even qualify for that, because I live at a commercial address! Where's the fairness in this concept?

The 'net neutrality issue, and whether you're buying "content" or buying "bits and bytes" is a huge issue nowadays. Comcast/NBC certainly opened the door wider.... I'm fortunate to be on a non-capped commercial account by virtue of my home being at my business, however......for others, this will be a problem as it grows. The average consumer is now a huge target for what we, as a collective people have allowed....The "bigger is better" idea in American business. And to quote the last post, "If my provider tried this crap I will not only be pissed-off, I will switch providers" is perfect proof that competition is a GOOD thing in business in our country. Options are needed, in communications and most of our daily economic choices. Best thing we can do is support the options that we have and not blindly just "take" what is handed to us in standards of service that we purchase. That's even the basis of the subscribers to this board that still maintain a satellite dish on W-5 for the HITS system vs. ALL other options. There is support for alternatives out there, IF people know about them.

Sorry, my soapbox hasn't been out much lately, but I see these issues almost every day now in my industry, and in examples on this board!
I won't be offended if my post gets "moderated" I'll completely understand. But, I FEEL better!
I am not a lawyer(nor do I play one on TV),but if AT&T & the other DSL & broadband internet providers institute usage caps,could that not be considered colusion to put services like Netflix,Hulu,VUDU,MLB.TV,etc. out of business? Wouldn't it be some sort of anti-trust violation?
I would think there may be some contractual breaches, as many people sign contracts for unlimited service. The fine print that states terms and services may change at any time may not quite fit within the contractual agreement on some. This is the reason why some companies keep the grandfathered contracts as they are and reword the contracts for new customers

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