How did you find out that they capped your upload? Did you try uploading something to the "groups?"
Anyway, I also live in PA and have Atlantic Broadband.
I'm using because since it used to be Supernews, it's now Giganews since they bought Supernews out, so it's basically Giganews except 150 day retention instead of 200 day.
My speed has been going up and down, and I mean constantly. In any given minute, the newsgroups can go 30kb/s, then 150kb/s, than 150kb/s, than 60kb/s, and on and on. Then if I'm really lucky one or two connections will give me "480 - Authorization Required" and just basically freeze any downloading.
Has anyone else noticed been getting constant 408 authenticate messages when trying to download anything from Atlantic Broadband newsgroups? It was fine last week and now....nothing. Just constant error messages about wanting to authenticate?