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Audio/video breakups in 6.10 and the last OTA channel tuned (Some Fixes here) | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Audio/video breakups in 6.10 and the last OTA channel tuned (Some Fixes here)

Fix for glitching and menu problems.....

Well I've had problems with micro-glitching and menu info since I received the new software last week, just like some others I've seen in here. I soft and hard rebooted my receiver several luck. So I called Customer service and got a fix. I hope this can help a few of you.

So the fix is. Tune your receiver to a Voom channel. This fix possibly will not work if you start it while tuned to a OTA local channel.

Soft reboot your receiver.

Go into the installation menu and do a scan for local channels.

Note which ones are below 86 on reception.

Now go back in under options and settings, and then under channel list and hide the ones that are below 86 by pressing OK.

Wait five minutes and do a soft reboot.

You should now be okay.

It cured my problems immediately. I have menu info and no pixelation or glitching. The CSR at Voom said any locals below 86 would keep the receiver from downloading info and cause the glitching for some reason. Well whatever the reason it worked for me. :D

We had figured out there was an association to the weaker ota stations and the macroblocking, and we knew to tune to a high power ota then back to voom to correct them. This is the first I heard of the "86" limit. Good post, thanks.

Sounds like VOOM has narrowed down the problem, anyway. A fix should be ready in, uh, maybe "TWO WEEKS"!! :D

Joking aside, I am very pleased with the new software. Thanks, VOOM. :)
Weird but tuning to strong OTA channel before going to a satellite channel will eliminate sound and picture breakups on my TV too. Before I heard about it here, I called support and a girl told me that "... it is, like, nation wide problem and we received, like, many phone calls about it, from, like, many people..."
So, the "like" girl told me to unplug my stb and after turning it back on, the problem went away and she hang up. Of course, the problem came back in about ten minutes.
Thanks to this forum, now we know how to fix it. Someone should make this thread sticky.
Can you just imagine how pissed people who don't have this forum are about this? It's awful, especially since my OTAs all go in and out all day long. Hopefully they'll patch this ASAP.
Wow, the suggestion Ilya mentioned worked for me. Great.
I am also glad to see that Wilt is on the job.
Thanks guys: your good info on this forum has helped me again

The fix described above did not fully work for me: I ended up hiding ALL OTA channels and did a hard reboot and my micro-glitch problem is resolved for now (I don't use VOOM OTA much anyway) and I have guide info again

But I heard there was a firmware update to fix this problem: does the stb have to be in standby mode to receive it? How can I confirm it has been received?

Thanks for the fix. Maybe I'm just stupid but I've read and reread the first two sentences of the fix and can't figure out what you are trying to say. They are:

"Make sure you are not on a OTA channel. Preferably one that is glitching badly."

Are you trying to say you should be on a SAT channel that is having problems before proceeding? Or, was there a "not" thrown in there by mistake and you should be on a weak OTA channel?

I'm confused. Could you explain or rewrite those first two sentences?
THis thread is a life saver. Got my voom install Friday. Watched all Friday night (Tyson and a few movies) with no problems. Yesterday it started the breakups. I called customer service and they suggested waiting a little while. I read this thread. Did a harb reboot, and have avoided OTA channels, and it's fixed for now. Love VOom by the way. BUgs and all.

Just got V* installed yesterday and the signal was fine all night. Since I turned it on this morning, pixelation and drop out every 20 seconds or so. Not watchable.

Got on this forum and Santur's suggestion to switch to a strong OTA channel then back fixed my frequent pixelation problem.

OTA strength on channel 4 was 85. Sat signal is 95 here in San Antonio. Installer did use the diplexer and it seems to be working well.

Santur, thanks for the suggestion.

Fixed the post. Yeah that looked odd to me too after I posted it and should have changed it right away. Oh well sorry for the confusion.

She sugessted being on a Voom channel that was pixelating so when I soft rebooted I could see if it helped or not right away because mine was messing up every 3-5 seconds which was unbearable.

You can be on any Voom channel just not a OTA local.

Take care
Just happened to me....I didnt see this post before. I tried to see my sig strength on NBC...which I dont have a strong enough sig to pull in a picture. The VOOM receiver just froze, so I did a reboot and then tuned to a VOOM ch and there were constant breakups....tuned to OTA ch's like cbs...then went back to the VOOM ch's and everything was fine. This never happened before the new software was downloaded. I thought it was only me.
I am sure glad I checked the forum tonite.....was watching a mix of OTA and SAT channel and was getting very frustrated watching Rides and some other programming.

I haven't tried the fix yet, but this is obviously the same problem I've had this evening. Thanks for all the posts with the fix! :)
I am a new customer, just got installed on Monday, starting having the pblm. I called voom and a csr had no idea of any fix, so she scheduled for a sevice call next monday.

Since i talked to the csr rep i found this thread in the forum and the fix worked. I had 1 of my 12 OTA channels that is too week too pull in, and to make matters worse it was the last channel in the ota channel list, so anytime i would channel surf the last ota channel that i came across was the one with the week signal and thus all the other HD and SD sat channels would pixelate and audio dropout every 2-5 seconds.

Well i removed that OTA channel from the list and evrything has been fine for several hours now. Thanks alot for figuring this out guys.

*** It is a shame that Voom does not have their CSR's up to speed on this simple fix, they are going to waste alot of money sending techs out to troubleshoot this problem ***
I am curious of anyone is noticing audio dropouts on OTA channels? My Fox, channel 28 was always great before the upgrade. Video is still solid but the audio drops in out constantly. I have not tries a hard boot yet. Will try that tonight when I get home. The signal strength is 99 the same as ABC. (both on the same tower) ABC has solid audio and video.

My NBC is odd, it comes in when I turn off my ant amp, then goes out when I turn it back on. But that's another subject, my point is that when the amp is plugged in and I change to NBC, my signal is 15. If I then go to any sat channel i get audio/video breakups. If change to my Fox or ABC channel then back to anay sat channel I am solid.

So just curious if anyone is seeing OTA audio drops.
OK we are all aware of how to fix this bug. There was some talk that V was going to release a patch one night this week, but it doesn't seem to have happened yet. AM I missing something. I know how to fix it, but when I come home from work it's doing it again cause the wife and kids don't know how.
FredOh said:
I know how to fix it, but when I come home from work it's doing it again cause the wife and kids don't know how.
FredOh, if you know which OTA stations are causing the problem (those with unstable signal), you can hide them in the Channel List.
I tried the so called fix that has been mentioned but it has not worked for me. I am still getting the picture and sound break up even though I can correct it by going to an OTA channel then back to a sat channel-but that is really a pain to have to do all the time. What kind of a patch or fix is coming from Voom? Is something that will be downloaded to our receivers? Thanks.
i've noticed that when i tune to a decent ota channel, not a strong channel, the problem can still happen. I picked one good one and I bounce back to it. I've been fine tuning the locals lately and haven't chose my permanents.

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