If I have to use an oven mit to handle my 622, should I even bother reading what the counter says?
Didn't you get a mit in the box when you first opened your 622?

If I have to use an oven mit to handle my 622, should I even bother reading what the counter says?
Didn't you get a mit in the box when you first opened your 622?
If I have to use an oven mit to handle my 622, should I even bother reading what the counter says?
Spend $30 on a Targus USB laptop cooler. It will make ALL of the difference in the world, although your solution works too!
But the 622 is not along in having problems with enclosed cabinets.
My only complaint is that Dish is not up-front about this. Even the installer didn't say anything when he put the 622 in the cabinet and shut the door. They leave it to the users to figure it out, and that isn't right. They'd save themselves a lot of headache if they just provide cabinet fans as part of the install procedure.
It looks like several folks are making some significant progress on the 622's heat management "problem". I put that in quotes because we probably don't have any hard evidence yet that excessive heat has actually caused a failure.
I can tell you that my 622 *will* fail if it's not kept cool. If anything is under it (receiver, DVD player etc) or it's not raised up 1/2" off what it's sitting on, it will either refuse to play at all or will play for a while then quit. Usually affects SD programming (Sirius and regular TV), and sometimes HD as well. Blank screen w/sound, or sometimes nothing at all. Rebooting usually does nothing, or nothing for more than a few minutes. OTA works fine all the time.
I had techs here three or four times replacing switches, checking wiring, replacing LNB etc. etc. to no avail. Finally got the bright idea (before joining here) to put the thing out on its own in the room with some wood strips to lift it off the rug. It worked flawlessly for a week or so until the switch went bad - signals in the 50 range don't work so well.
So after replacing the switch, it seemed happy for another week or so. Then it started "freezing" or blanking again. Techs came a fifth time, re-aligned the dish, and signals were in the 90-115 range. Great! It worked for about an hour... then quit. Over and over. Called Dish, gave them an earful and was about to have the techs out yet again ... when I noticed they had taken it off the little stands & put it right on the carpet. D'oh!
Put a small room fan in front of it and raised it back up ... and it started back up and has been playing all day.
Bought a laptop cooler & will install that & keep you posted. Current temps: 134/111/127 (ouch).
- Paul
It's been 2 months since I did my 1st post in this thread. At that time my temps were:
H 140
L 105
AV 123
Since then I have added the Targus laptop cooler. They are now:
H 138
L 111
AV 123
Boy, I'm sure glad I spent that $ 17. Sure made a lot of difference not.Really beginning to think that the unit is designed to carry an AV of around 107 - 113 just about no matter what is done. Of course if one goes to the extremes of either putting it in a closed area with no ventilation or taking the cover off (voiding warranty) and putting some sort of "wind tunnel" effect to it it will change. Not sure reducing the temps by a couple of degrees is going to make a lot of difference.
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