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Best box to move Ajak Horizon 180? | SatelliteGuys.US

Best box to move Ajak Horizon 180?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 11, 2012
I'm new to this BUD stuff & just acquired a 7.5' Paraclipse Hydro dish with an Ajak Horizon 180 motor. I've read here about the "G Box" and found them unavailable. Is this the type of unit I need between the receiver (Micro HD) and the Ajak? I'm pretty much in the dark & don't want to buy the wrong thing. Boy that Ajak is one beefy mount. I'm hoping it will take signals from the newer stuff. I thought I was getting one of those arm-type actuators but I like these big heavy gears for my heavy snow load. Oh yea, where can I get the best unit to drive the Ajak?:hatsoff:
Thanks, but looks like that auction ended. I think they've been out of stock for some time. So I guess that's the one I want huh? Thanks I'll keep looking.
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GBox That's the one I use on my AJAK :) the link works for me, Better price than the web site usually has.
Great. glad to hear that'll work. I might have to wait till they're in stock. Thanks for the help. I'm sure I'll have a question or two more about that Ajak.
Instead of repeating all the good points of that controller, here is the review Linuxman did:
Should tell ya everything you want to know.

Very nice dish, and you already are appreciating the Ajak!
Put a good feed & LNB on it, and you should be stylin'. :)

Post a few pictures & tell us the story how you got it.
(price and difficulty of removal/transport)

iPhone 4
We were traveling and I found it on Craigslist back home & was glad to get back before someone snapped it up. The listing was mentioned on this site. I don't have a lot of time to shop for a free dish so I offered him $150 as he was wanting $250. It was hot out Monday afternoon when we got there to retrieve it and I got stung by wasps that had been nesting in and around the hood for a few years. They had apparently been preceded by birds as the hood was fully stuffed with bird nests. Aside from the wasps it really wasn't much trouble breaking it down. I guess I'll have to wait for a GBox before I can test the motor as I'm pretty ignorant about how or what charge I can hook up to it without blowing something. I'll post pics of the process of setting up later. I'm on a hillside facing south but in an aspen jungle. I can see a lot of sky though so am hoping for the best. We may not get every available satellite but I think we'll do pretty well. Now I must locate a GBox. Oh, didn't see your post primestar31. Thanks but I've read that stuff about the GBox being a bit more accurate so I'd really like one of those.
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