As my mentor Dave Ramsey proves, there is no such thing as "same as cash". One way to prove that to yourself is to walk into the M&P with cash in hand and make your best deal on the same item that's offered at BB on the SAC deal. You very well may beat that BB offer (which in all likelihood is not negotiable) when you wave real cash in front of the owner...!
I'm taking this a little off direction for a sec, but I couldn't let this go.
Personally I think Dave Ramsey is a buffoon. He's making money telling you how not to spend yours. I didn't get my TV from Best Buy, I bought it from Tiger. At the time Best Buy wanted $2800 for my TV, then they dropped the price down to $2200 about a month ago, local mom and pop shop wanted and still wants, retail, $3500, I bought it on Tiger for $1800, no tax, no shipping. Now not only did I get half off the TV, paid no tax, but I also gained 1800 reward points on my Bank of America Visa Signature. Why the hell would I want to buy something with an outdated medium of payment, aka cash aka physical money, when I can put it on credit and gain points that accumulate to give me cash back? I've had my current credit cards for two years (previous ones only offered hotel rewards which I never used) and I'm about two months away from getting my second $500 check cut to me. That's $1,000 for spending money I would have normally spent anyhow but putting it on plastic. Two years ago this month I went 100% cash free (not a single cash purchase in 2 years) and have never been happier and have an extra grand to my name to show for it and as a whole my finances are better off. Tell Ramsey to shove that in his pipe and smoke it!
I also bought my speaker set up from Tiger at the same time. Saved over $200 in taxes between the two purchases by buying online. And there is times where Amazon is cheaper, I paid $270 for my Sony 3D Starter kit, no tax, but I did have to pay something like $10 for shipping. Most places want $400 for the starter kit. Here's some math. The retail value for my new set up (not including cabling and stand) was $6,750 + $590 in taxes for a total $7,340. I paid $4,480 + $162 in tax that's a total of $4,642 or a savings of two ticks below $2,700 by not buying locally.
And if you don't mind me asking, which Sony ES receiver did you get and is it current generation? If so is it the 3600, 4600 or 5600 and how much did you pay?